♡Ch 9♡

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Déjà Vu eased its way in my mind as my eyes squinted into a pitch black void. Sitting up, staying steady from the shakiness, I heard metal clink and a pull on my wrist. There was something new there. Soft fur, hidden behind my legs.

I called Maria's name and got a excited meow in response. Her tiny paws hopped on top of me. She stayed in my lap, purring and messaging her claws into my shirt.

I heard a couple of muffled voices every now and then. Eventually, I heard car doors shut and engines crank. However, my gut twisted hearing footsteps digging into grass directed right towards the hatch door. Maria sensed my fear, and immediately her fur stood on edge.

The hatch door opened, but this time, there wasn't any daylight. It was deep into the night.

Levi stepped down and sat on the step he did before. He didn't look at me or speak. He stared around the small bunker, just bigger than a crawlspace.

Then the man softly laughed, "You didn't think that I owned this mountain, did you?"

I knew Levi's family was rich, but the greed in owning an entire mountain was a lot. Maria growled at him, scooting closer to me. Levi paid her no mind. I could see a bandage around where she scratched him. I was honestly a little proud of my little one.

"Eren," monotoned Levi, "I hate to be the psychopath, but you're staying mine, even if I have to resort to Stockholm Syndrome."

I exasperated, "Why me?"

He seemed a bit caught off guard by that question. Suddenly, a smile stretched across his lips, seemingly normal.

"Amour, this isn't the first time we've been together."


Levi stood and walked to me. He knelt down, paying no mind to Maria's threatening growls. A pale palm laid on top of my hand.

"I'm not sure why it's not triggering for you, but trust me, we're destined."

I looked at him as if he had thirteen heads. For the year I've known Levi, he was never the spiritual type. He was so passionate about it though. Perhaps this was my gateway back out.

I grabbed his hand and nodded, "You've never lied to me. If you say there was a past life, then I believe you."

His grip tightened on my hand. "There have been a couple of them, and once or twice, you never did remember."

I tried pulling my hand away, but he wouldn't let me go. He chuckled like a mad man. "The lives that you didn't become aware in, you'd forget. I can't tell if you're my brat or a carbon copy. I hate those replicas. I end up killing them."

"I-I'm your brat!" I blurted. "I swear it."

Levi's more of a psycho than I thought. There wasn't a clear reason why he was letting go of the facade now, but if I didn't remember, he really would kill me. This situation went from shitty to life threatening.

I've made hundreds of jokes, saying I wanna die, but I never really mean it. My life was something I preferred to keep. Unfortunately, my will to live was far more stronger than my morals.

"I'll marry you." I declared.

Levi's eyes shot wide. He brought my hand to his lips and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

"You were far more stubborn in this life," snickered Levi. "Perhaps, once we're married, everything will come back to you."

If marriage was the only way to have my right to live, then I guess I'd have to get used to the name Eren Ackerman. It could always be worse.

I could've been dirt poor, watching my mother starve to death. I could've been on the street, or dependant on some disgusting drug. Levi's rich, he could take care of everyone. All it would cost is my last name and my dignity.

He led me back upstairs with Maria. The window had been repaired, and everything was back in place, even the fire poker.

Levi got a fire going to warm me up, then went and made me hot chocolate. I sat on the floor to be close to the warmth, and surprisingly, Levi joined me, wrapping a blanket around us. He kissed my cheek then relaxed on my shoulder.

I could've still been in that bunker. I could've been freezing. It's not so bad, right? At least I have my morals together. At least everyone else will be happy.

I closed my eyes and imagined my life in the prim perfect style. No more late nights exploring the streets. Parties every weekend, smiling like a lunatic to people I probably won't like. Every friendship would be shallow.

Back home, if you didn't like someone, they'd know. You didn't need to worry about being well dressed or having nice cars. You just survived with what you needed. That's why friends are so close, because they help eachother survive.

Armin and I are like that. What would he think now? Giving in because I was scared.

Hell no.

"We should chat with my mother, and tell her about the engagement." I suggested. "She must be so worried not hearing from me."

Levi sighed, sounding relaxed, "She thinks you want to be alone with me. That what your father told her."

I mentally rejoiced. That meant my mother had no idea what Levi had done. I know she'll have some sense to help me.

I wondered, "Can I see her?"

Levi almost protested, but I insisted, "It's my mother Levi. She deserves to find out about our engagement in person."

He sat up and stared at me. Probably was trying to find dishonesty in my eyes, but luckily, my acting was still on point.

Levi clarified, "She comes here. You stay in this house."

"Of course," I nodded.

Alright, this was plan B. After this, I'll be out of ideas, and I'd end up marrying this monster. I can't lose hope, not yet.


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