♡Ch 7♡

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I trailed on, not sure for how long, but the sky was turning orange. The small kitten in my pocket fell asleep. I felt the vibrations of her purring on my stomach.

A car engine sounded from a far distance. It grew louder as Levi's car appeared over a hill. I abruptly crouched, startling the small feline in my pocket. I reached a hand in and pet her to calm her down.

I was a little ways out from the cabin when he passed, and his car didn't seem to be in a rush. Levi didn't know I was gone yet, but the moment he opens that front door, all hell would break loose.

I decided to stay put until the sun rose the next day. I traveled a little ways away from the road to the point it was barely in my sight. The trees were mostly barren with all their colorful leaves fallen. My brown hoodie and hair were perfect camouflage.

I grabbed cat food before leaving. I popped open a can, which made the little kitten peer out from my hoodie pocket. She sniffed the air and jumped out with a long cry for food. I sat the can down, and she began to stuff her tiny nose in.

As I watched her eat, I realized that after all this time, she still didn't have a name. I thought for barely a second before the name Maria came to mind. Once it appeared in my head, it stuck.

I watched Maria chow down until she completely finished the can. She then waddled over to me and struggled her swollen belly back into my hoodie pouch. I didn't blame her for staying in there. It was freezing outside, and being in the mountains, it was a surprise that it hadn't started snowing yet.

I wasn't hungry. My appetite seemed faded by the rush of new sights. I relaxed against a tree. The sky turned pitch-black, which made my eyes grow heavy. Maria acted like a little heater in my pocket, keeping me decently warm.

Just as I felt the pull of sleep, I saw a bright light. It was traveling up the road. I shook my head to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Levi didn't comeback after leaving, so who were those people?

I didn't jump up and chase them. For all I knew, they could've worked for Levi. After five minutes, another pair of headlights, then another. About five passed by, driving towards the cabin. I felt an uneasiness in my stomach.

They had to work for Levi, and they traveled up here for a reason. I was praying that the reason wasn't me. They wouldn't actually search the entire mountain range for me, right? Then again, Levi did resort to kidnapping.

The new arrivals made me nervous. I was sleeping in small spurts, scared awake by small noises. The only light I had was the stars.

Judging from the moon, it was a little past midnight when I heard what I thought was a man's voice. I looked towards the road and saw the ray of a flashlight.


It was my father's voice! I about jumped up to run to him, but I hesitated. Why would my dad be so far out here looking for me? Still, he's my dad! Maybe Levi lied to him, but I can tell him the truth!

I hopped up and called for him. The light shot in my direction followed by my dad calling my name. I grabbed the poker and pillowcase, waking up Maria in the process. I felt her wiggle before settling again.

As I got closer, my father's face came into view. I was excited to see a new face.

"Dad! Levi kidnapped me! I've escaped!" I yelled.

I tripped a little bit, making me stop to brush myself off. He reached a hand out to me.

"Levi and I have been worried sick!" He huffed. "You broke a window?"

I paused and looked at him. "Didn't you hear me? Levi's a psychopath! He kidnapped me!"

"You rejected his proposal!" He shot back.

I stepped back and squinted past the bright light. My dad looked well groomed, and the jacket he was wearing was clearly new. An expensive looking wrist watch decorated his arm. I felt disgusted.

"He paid you off? Are you kidding me?" I growled.

My dad took a lunge forward to grab me, but I used the anger in me to send the fire poker across his face. I didn't stay to see the damage I dealt. Turning tail, I ran into the pitch black, far away from the road.

I didn't care about getting lost. It was the thought of facing Levi's fury that made me shiver. These past few weeks was Levi being nice. This stunt would drive him over the edge.

I heard my father talking to someone. "I've found him. He's got a fire poker." He cursed in pain. "I got hit with it!"

My stomach turned, and I trembled. The cold air brushing my face stung my cheeks and down to my lungs. I was gulping air, trying to not slow down. I must've hit my dad pretty hard because he didn't even try to run after me.

I growled under my breath, feeling absolutely betrayed. How could my own dad sell me out? I was just hoping that my mother wasn't apart of this.

I didn't stop running. It felt like that nightmare where no matter how fast you ran, you stayed in the same spot while the monster waltzes right up to you. I had to also keep in mind the startled kitten digging her claws in my stomach, trying to get a good hold on me.

I reached a deep drop-off. My foot nearly slid down it, but I caught myself. After pulling up to safety, I tried to look around at the uneven terrain with the little moon light I had.

Looking back, I couldn't see my father's flashlight anymore or hear his yells. I plopped to the Earth below me. Using up so much energy made me exhausted. I had no trouble falling asleep after that.


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