♡Ch 10♡

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I was up before the sun on the day Levi had scheduled for my mother to visit. I was showered, dressed to impress, and made Levi and I breakfast. I even laid out Levi's clothes and kissed him awake like any good husband would do.

Today might actually be the day I get out. As Levi made his way downstairs, he smiled seeing me laying his plate down.

"I made you an omlete and coffee." I grinned.

Levi chuckled, "Excited to tell your mother."

I was so giddy. My lips pressed against his cheek for another kiss before sitting across from him to eat.

"I can't wait!"

Can't wait to tell her, and everyone else, what a lunatic you are. After we finished, I began doing chores. Making the bed, washing the dishes, sweeping the floors. I was humming an excited tune, anxiously counting down the minutes.

I kept thinking about being home with my mother, watching my father and Levi being dragged away in handcuffs on the news. The idea of looking him in the eye as I revealed everything the bastard did, his face when the jury screams guilty, it brightened this dull cabin.

Maria seemed curious as to why I was so happy, but she had a better mood, even allowed Levi to scratch under chin. From mine and Maria's mood, Levi held a slight smile, thinking how glad he was that I gave in. The cruel irony had me grinning from ear to ear.

Levi suddenly called me to him. I eagerly walked to him and smiled.

"Why don't we try this again, but properly." He chuckled, kneeling down on his right knee. "Eren Yeager, will you marry me?"

I didn't need to fake joy as I shouted, "Yes!"

His face brightened, seeing my hand shoot out for the ring. It was a perfect fit. We kissed like a happily married couple, but we were each happy for different reasons.

Sure, it was evil for me to build his expectations so high, but he deserves to have his dreams crushed. Eye for an eye sort of thing.

As I finished my chores, I heard a knock at the door. I was vibrating with pure excitement. Levi opened the door and introduced himself like a proper rich man. Then, my mother met my eyes. Her face held concern, relief, and love all twisted together in a motherly sigh.

I squeezed my mother, trying to make up for lost time. My eyes pricked with joy. I felt a pain in my chest when I pulled away to invite her in. I offered drinks and food.

"I need to show you the new Guinness I had imported!" Offered Levi to my father, who's face was bandaged up. "Let me take you to the cellar!"


"Ah, I don't wish to be trouble," my father chuckled.


I shooed them to the door. "You two, go on and bond while I catch up with my mother."

Girsha finally agreed. Before they left, Levi kissed my cheek, but the show of affection was to cover up the little be good message he whispered in my ear. I gave him a playful smirk and sent them along.

The moment the door shut I sprinted to my mother. She was a little startled. I spoke softly in case Levi and Girsha were listening.

"Mom, keep smiling no matter what I say, do you understand. Don't over react." I smiled, despite my urgent tone.

Being from the darker part of the city, she understood quickly. I didn't waste a breath explaining quietly.

"I'm being held here against my will. Dad and Levi are working together." The words coming out of my mouth did not match my expression one bit. "But when you tell the police to get me, keep the sirens off. If Levi finds out, he will kill me."

My mother processed for a moment. She tried to keep smiling, but the tears of a worried mother reddened her eyes. I tried to shush her to calm her down, but the waterworks were going down.

"Eren, honey, I didn't know." She cried. "If what you say is true, Levi will kill you the moment they bang on your door!"

She thought for a second, looking around. Suddenly, she planned, "I'll invite you together to my house. I'll have police on stand by."

Now I was beginning to cry tears, but these were joyful tears. I embraced my mother tightly. I thanked her thirteen million times, crying on her shoulder.

Our happy moment was ruined by the pair of manic men walking in the front door. They were laughing and carrying on like pals until they saw my mother and I crying.

I quickly lied, "I told her about our engagement."

My mother understood my hint. "Ah, yes! Can you believe it, Girsha?"

Levi smiled, thinking that I had finally come around.

The visit went on as if we were celebrating, but there was two elephants on he room. One, Girsha and Levi keeping a close eye on me, wondering if I was going to crack. The other, my mother, trying to comfort me without being too obvious.

As the night came to an end, my mother finally offered, "Oh Levi, you and Eren should swing by my house, and I'll cook a dinner to celebrate!"

Levi shook his head, "Are you sure? Eren and I could cook dinner for you two instead."

"No, no, no, I feel it's an obligation on mine as the mother!" She implored. "I won't take no for an answer."

She spun around, tugging on her coat. "This weekend, Saturday at seven, okay?"

Before Levi could argue, my mother pulled Girsha outside and slammed the door. I chuckled at my mother's acting. It was obvious where I got my skill from. Levi looked at me with a suspicious look.

"She's really excited I guess." I chortled.

Levi pulled a hand around my waist, yanking me close. "Eren," he sang with a malicious tune, "you didn't happen to tell your mother to call the cops, did you?"

I scoffed and pushed him away, "After getting engaged, you still don't trust me. Unbelievable."

I turned and ignored him, leaving to work on laundry. Carrying a basket of clean clothes upstairs, he followed me closely. A knowing stare wasn't enough to make me crumble. I began to fold and hang up clothes.

Levi leaned against the door frame watching me. "I hope you didn't, cause I'd really lose my mind if you did that."


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