♡Ch 13♡

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My husband was a kidnapper. Nothing could change that fact, and from what he's said, he's a murderer too. When he looked up from his book, there was this hopeful glint to him.

I looked around the cabin. "What ... is wrong with you?"

He was dumbfounded. "Amour? Aren't you happy to see me again?"

"Are you kidding me?" I gaped. "You're all I've seen for the past month."

He sighed with a grin, placing his book next to his cup. I crossed my arms and approached him, no longer scared. I knew everything now.

"You were going to run off, amour, before you remembered."

"You mentioned something about copies before, and how those replicas, you killed." My face was contorted into disgust and horror.

He stood and mimicked my stance. With the utter audacity, he scoffed, "They weren't really you."

"Levi," I shouted, throwing my hands in the air, "It was my face, my voice, my everything. You killed me!"

He stood silent for a moment, his expression a twist of shock, confusion, and irk. This man honestly thought I would be okay with what he's done? Kidnapping me, threatening me, confessing to killing past versions of myself that I didn't remember.

"Think back, do you have a memory of me killing you?" He asked.

I wanted to cry, but there weren't any tears left after all this time. "No. Everything had been perfect ... but you had to ruin it."

Levi reached to embrace me, and I had half a mind to let him. I swatted his hands away and stepped back.

"Tell me, how many have you killed?" The pause in the conversation was longer than it should've been.


I ran a hand in my hair, trying to come to terms that the man I married wasn't at all who I thought he was.

"They weren't you! And it was less heartbreak to get rid of them and wait for the next time!"

I growled, "What am I? A machine? A copy and paste to you?"

"You're my husband!" He declared, grabbing my arm.

I shoved him away, shaking my head. "Then I want a fucking divorce." I ripped the golden ring off my finger and chucked it to the floor.

Stepping from the fight, I went to his jacket and pulled out the keys. I turned to him. "Open the door, Levi."

Having the memories back, there wasn't an ounce of fear left. To me, he was just my husband - well, exhusband. The newest me got mixed in with it all, but he would've never scolded Levi. He would've played good until he saw his mother again.

I should've trusted the newest part.

Levi's was dead inside, unmoving. The aura radiating from him grew dark. The newest part of me took control but wasn't sure how to get out of this one. Was it possible now?

"A divorce? After all the lifetimes we've spent together?" He sighed. "And for what? A few versions of you that you don't even remember."

Guilt was my only option. "You looked me in the face and murdered me. There have been lives you haven't remembered."

I recalled with a soft smile, "It was nice to know that you fell in love with me all over again. And there was one that you cheated on me with your teammate, Petra."

He looked to me, almost not believing what I said. It was all true. "Do you think I killed you? Or her?"

Levi walked to the kitchen ... specifically, the knife block. A sick feeling swelled in my throat.

"This life has gone to shit." He grumbled, drawing a steak knife. "Hopefully, everything will be fixed in our next one, amour."

Blood drained from my face as he shrugged, "Don't worry. After you're dead, I'll kill myself to make the process faster."

I was struck with fear, but I had the guts to spit, "The moment I remember, I'll hate you. So choose - me or the replicas? Who you you want to spend eternity with?"

Levi straightened his grip on the knife, thinking about what I meant. It was my ultimatum. "Cause after this, I'm never coming back."

The sound of a car door slamming caught out attention. I jumped as the door pounded three loud times.

Levi growled something under his breath before putting the knife back. He unlocked the door, shooting me a glaring glance. I wasn't impressed.

Opening the door, it was the woman I had seen at the security booth. She seemed out of breath and panicked. I bit the inside of my lip, hoping my mother wasn't caught.

Luckily, she was here for something else. "Levi, this is wrong. It wrong on so many levels."

I chortled. "Hello, Hange. It's been a minute."

She was thrown off guard hearing me say her name. "You're awake? I mean, awake awake?"

I nodded. Levi tried to slam the door in her face, but I jerked it back open. "Levi, enough! You're acting psychotic now! She's your friend, dammit."

He huffed and retreated to his seat on the couch. "Fine, run, divorce me, never return. But I'll kill every copy after this!"

It was impossible to describe the physical pain resonating in my chest. I shuffled past Hange and walked to the car. She followed in close pursuit.

"Wait, Eren, I'm coming with you!"

I got in Levi's car, immediately finding the phone. Hange hopped in the passenger seat. Levi's phone wasn't locked, so I called my mother's number. It rang but eventually went to voice mail. I cursed loudly and started the engine.

"Eren, I -" Hange's voice hung, showing clear guilt. "I'm sorry for allowing this to happen. These past few lives, he's been . . . different."

I sped down the road, gripping the wheel angrily. Hange's hand rested on my shoulder. "I wanted to ask you something serious."

My foot let off the gas, slowing the car to a normal pace. My vision glanced between her and the road. "What?"

"Would you consider ending the cycle once and for all?"


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