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'...' is thinking
"..." is talking

" Mommy! i want to play soccer!!" little y/n said as she pointed to the tv where the world cup was showing. her mother shook her head as she explained to her that soccer was only for boys, y/n didnt believe her she knew she wanted to play. "i don't care! i want and will play soccer. I'll win the world cup!" y/n argued with her mother till she finally caved in.

y/n happily jumped around her house before she went off to find her neighbor, jinpachi ego, knocking on his door. "y/n? do u need something?” A voice was heard as the door was opening, y/n quickly told him the good news even though ego was a few years older than y/n, they got along vry well. Ego happily took her to his backyard as a soccer field was right infront of her.

Soon enough, everyday after school y/n would go home and play soccer with ego as she trained. slowly she was getting better and her own mother could see how well she was getting, thats when she sat y/n down for a talk.

"darling your starting high school soon, how are you going to continue playing soccer?" her mother was concerned, i mean afterall with talent like y/n who would want it to go to waste. " That's easy, I'll dress like a boy" y/n said without hesitation. Her mother thought about it for a while before agreeing that it would be the best plan fir y/n to continue chasing her dreams. That night, y/n cutted her hair short like a male and gave herself a fake japanese name, Takashi Kenzo, that way people wont know she was a girl instead of a guy.

high school era

y/n kicked the stones on the floor since ego had moved houses a year ago, she had been alone with noone to play with. 'guess i should just get ready for school tomorrow' she thought as she went back into her house.

the next day

school was finally over, y/n quickly got her bag to run to her club actively after all it was soccer why would she want to miss that. She quickly changed her clothes and got onto the field where her teammates were already there, "damn kenzo took you long enough" "hurry up the games about to start" she heard as her classmates said. "cominggg~" y/n mocking yelled back, today they were having a big match with another school it'll see if they could go for the nationals or not. As the caoch did a headcount before allowing everyone to get on the bus, being assigned to sit next to me was my senior, megumi, he was an aggressive person so it was always scary to sit next to him.

game timeee

y/n pov:

I was number 8, running with thth
ball. We needed one more point to tie with the opponents time but as i was trying to look for a teammate to pass to, i turned and saw my team had given up...they didnt care win or lose. "kenzo just stop trying" "yeah we lost already!" "why are you trying so hard its just a club"

hearing those words felt like knifes onto my heart, the effort i placed in to get them up here. This is how they thank me? ha...funny, they dont care. there is only me on this field, me alone. i have no teammates, i only need myself they were just holding me back anyways. I dribbled past the defenders infront of me, 5..4..3..2..1. " BEEP! TIMES UP!" what..no, i was so close. i stared in shock as the opponents team goal keeper was mocking me,anger boiled inside of me but i kept my calm facade.

As normal it was the last match blah blah blah... oh thier crying tsktsk, how annoying why are they crying. they didnt do anything, i was the only one doing something thier not even on the  field. After thier crying session, i told the coach i would go home myself afterall i didnt want to spend another minute with my so called team.

just as i was walking out someone tapped me on the shoulder, "what a wasted talent like yours huh, my I know your name?" this random guy came up to me, he had black hair and a few strands of dyed yellow hair. Not going to lie i would date him if i was a girl, which i am but im dressed as a boy. My thoughts ran as i realized i was still infront of him, "Its kenzo" I said looking away. " great! Im bachira, lets play together sometimes!" he shouted before running off. 'weirdo' i thought as i walked home.

at isagis match

damn number 11 isnt that bad, if only i can play him. today i was watching another school having thier match, im just watching this number 11 guy his quite cool i have to say. He was about to score until number 9 interfered, god damn it but maybe he wont past i mean 11 is in a better place to score. Than i heard their coach shout asking him to pass the ball, if he doesnt shut the fuck up i swear. In the end number 9 missed and the opponents team got the score, 'how disappointing' i thought as i shaked my head.

"mom im home" i yelled as i took off my shoes, "theres a letter for u on the table hun" my mom yelled from her bedroom. I looked at the letter and it was from the Japan Football Union..WAIT THE JAPAN FOOTBALL UNION? I quickly tore open the letter and read its contents. My dream is coming true! I stumbled up the stairs as i went to tell my mother, afterall it was my dream. My mother told me that she was proud of me and would continue supporting me, what would i do without a mom like her.

That night i packed my things and slept early for the first time in my life, i just couldnt wait to see what the japan football union have in store for me.

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