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Everyone is celebrating now with the steak we exchanged our points for, it turns into a potluck with everyone's side dish. I didnt feel like eating so i just got up and left the room, I needed to find ego.

"egooo, im here" I yelled as i opened the door. "great, now watching your match with team Y. You need more training, your getting weak" Ego said with his back still turned to me, I just stood there knowing that it's true. I have been getting weaker in a lot of areas. He just kept criticizing me over and over for a long time, it was annoying to hear someone say shit about you right in your face but I know ego means well.

meanwhile back with the rest:

isagi pov:

everyone is enjoying the potluck today but where did kenzo go? "hey guys, did you see kenzo?" I asked as the room went silent, seems like noone has seen him huh. weird. "speaking of kenzo, dont you think its a little weird? He never trains yet hes so fit?" bachira pointed out, agreements came from all over the room.

Indeed kenzo is quite full of mysteries, he never really talks about him self does he. 'Pretty sure ego is listening in on our conversation right now' I sweatdropped at the thought, but he would be good help. Maybe he could let us understand more about kenzo. "do you guys think we can ask ego about kenzo?" I said without thinking.

everyone just looked at me as if i was crazy. I mean it was a genuine question.

kenzo pov:

'what is isagi on, ego for sure wont agree would he.' I stood there nervous. "indeed you can" Ego said through the announcement thingy. WHAT, no way.  "I can show a simple video of kenzo right now so focus on the screen." Crying inside, ego didnt want to hear my input on this. I could only agree as he played the video.

how embarrassing, they were just watching my plays. I feel like they feel betrayed as i didnt help them as much even when i could. At this point im nervous to even face them, I mean how would i explain to them even.

isagi pov:

'what in the world, he's better than i thought.' I stared at the screen in awe. "isnt it weird, ego is showing us this. But compared to how kenzo plays right now. Its like their two different people." imamura said as if it wasnt obvious already. "but maybe he's has a reasoning for it guys. like maybe an injury or something" kuon commented, some agreed while others were in conflict. 'just who are you kenzo' I thought. But i quickly snapped out of it when i see bachira eating my share of the steak.

kenzo pov:

"you thought that was fun didnt you." I blankly looked at ego, he just nodded his head as he ate his instant noodles. 'still an asshole i see.' I rolled my eyes as i walked around ego's room. Most basic room ever, I swear this man is the defination of basic. Thats when I noticed a box tucked into the corner, I quietly walked over to the box and took a peek in it. In my shock, it was ego's childhood memory box. Digging through it, most of it was him and I as a child. Which was really surprising, since he always told me we dont have pictures together.

"kenzo what are doing digging through my stuff. " Hesitating as i turned around. I saw the man himself, he always looked terrifying but right now. But right now all i see is my childhood friend, I just simply hugged him cause pretty sure other than his mom. He never gotten a hug from a girl other than me, he doesnt pull for real.

Night time:

tossing and turning in my futon is so boring. Might as well watch footage of the other team games, I quietly walked out of team z sleeping room and walked to the monitoring room.

When i opened the door, someone was already there. It was chigiri, 'what is he doing up so late' I wondered. Looking at the screen infront of me was back when i had goaled. I walked and sat next to him, "couldnt sleep?" He asked. I just nodded as we looked at the screen, "hey chigiri, why wont you tell us your weapon" I asked as i side-eyed him. He just shook his head as i tried to convince him to tell me.

"One year ago, I tore the ACL in my right knee" He suddenly said, I just sat and listened. "The doctors said if i get hurt in the same spot, my career is over" He continued as he slowly stands up. "I cant play like i used to even after its healed. I used to have an amazing weapon like everyone else" What a harsh reality, "I came to blue lock to find a reason to give up on my dream" Chigiri walks towards the door. 'Noway this guy wants his dream to just end here.'

"you liar, you dont want to give up right? Im scared, Im terrifed but im fighting cause i dont want my dream to end here. Noone can achieve their dreams if they werent ready to fail." I said, chigiri stood there for a moment before turning to me again. "You dont know the first thing about me" He said before he finally left.

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