come back, be here

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vent oneshot.

Rain was pouring down from the sky in a vigorous way a girl was standing in the middle of a plaza, face down, in despair

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Rain was pouring down from the sky in a vigorous way a girl was standing in the middle of a plaza, face down, in despair.

"You can't keep on doing this to me, Y/n."

The girl didn't make a sound, didn't move a muscle.

"You can't leave and come back whenever you feel like it, you can't do that to me!" The boy shouted out to her his pain equally as barren as hers. Y/N's eyes closed and her fist clenched. He was right. He was completely right, but, "And you can't keep on hurting me and expecting me to stay! You apologize for making the same mistakes more times than I can count on my hands!" The lightning flashed in the sky matching her fury.

And the girl was right to.

"You can only hurt a person so many times until they decide, they decide to leave, Miles."

The boy steps forward.

"And you can only leave so many times until that person decides to move on."

And that got your heart to stop. You finally picked your head up to look at him. The boy that had your heart, the boy that had it raw and beating in the palm of his hands only to crush it right in front of you.

Miles Morales. The boy that promised to never break you. To stay. To always stay, always be there, and to never give up on you, gave up on you that night.

With the pouring rain reflecting your shed tears the skies cried for you that night.

"What- What are you saying."

He took another step toward you and your figure was stuck in place your mind body and soul were stuck, frozen.

"I will always love you. But, I'm not in love with you anymore."

That one sentence had your knees buckling and your body crashing to the cold wet ground. The rain soaked your clothes further as you sat there in agony. Miles Morales wasn't in love with you anymore.

And it was all your fault for pushing him away.

Do you know those moments when your mind and your heart are screaming at each other? Both stating their points and you don't know which one to listen to.

Your mind is repeating the same facts to you over and over and over again. He hurt you. He crushed your heart right in front of you for all to display without a speck of doubt in his eyes.

Your heart on the other hand...

A part of you was mad at him. If he hadn't done what he did then tonight's events wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't be sitting here soaked all the way to your face. If he had just listened to you.

All he had to do was listen. That's all you asked of him, was for him to listen and to make the necessary changes to keep the relationship going, it wasn't perfect, far from it. But, it was Miles and you against the world, until it wasn't.

But you could tell he was upset at himself. From how sad his voice was and his eyes-oh his eyes... you wanted to fall into them and forget every worry, every nightmare and just be totally and utterly consumed by them. By Him.

But you can't. You won't, not again. Never again.

"Miles." You finally spoke standing to your feet.

"I just wanted you to know, that you have lost me forever."

And you'll never forget the look on his face as you took a step forward grabbed your long-forgotten bag off the ground and turned away from him.

Walking away from him forever.

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