16.0 | Fell For You

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Spencer's POV

During warm-ups, my eyes roam onto the fairly crowded bleachers and I can't find Olivia anywhere.

But mentally, I've tried to prepare myself for the possibility of her not showing today. Although, a part of me still wishes she would show up for me.

I left her grandpa's house yesterday with Olivia's eyes flooded from tears and that broke my heart worse than when my dog died in the seventh grade.

"Spence! Spence!" Lando yells. "C'mon man, didn't you hear the whistle blow? It's time to throw."

I shake my head and try to erase my current thoughts. But all it does is make my mind more jumbled with all of the things I've done wrong in my relationship with Olivia up to this point.

"Bro! Bro!" I hear Darnell as I stand near the goal post and he fans me over. "I got someone I'd like you to meet."

I quickly recognize UCLA Coach, Chip Kelly, and I shake his hand.

"Great to meet you, son," he says. "I look forward to watching you ball today. And I look forward to seeing you like up next to your brothers in the fall. I have a whole play book with your name on it. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line."

I hear him but that's not the vision I have. And as soon as I work up enough nerves to tell D, I'll announce where I'lol be playing in the fall. But until then, I'll just nod and smile.

"You'll be the first ever true freshman to have a thousand yards receiving in school history," Darnell adds and Lando's voice saves me from this conversation going any further.

"Let's go, Spence!"

I jog away and he throws a few passes before the clock strikes zero and it's game time.

"Get 'em ready, eleven!" My coach yells and I huddle my teammates around me like I do before every game.

My speech is simple and we break the huddle after a minute or two to begin the game on defense.

Within a few seconds, it's third and long.

"Watch the pass," I hear Cam yell as I line up across from their best receiver.

The play starts and he runs past me with no hesitation, making me stumble out of my stance to try and catch up.

"Pass," the sideline yells and I'm a few yards behind when I see him raise up to catch a perfect spiral in the end zone.

"Touchdown Warriors!" The announcer says as the home crowd boos.

And I walk back to the sideline with my head down.

"That's alright! We're going to get this back!" Lando tells me as he pats my back.

My eyes take a quick glance into the stands, but I still don't see Olivia.

"Offense! Let's go!" My coach shouts and I run back onto the field for our first play.

It's a hand off to me and I can't wait to get our points back.

"Hike, hike!" Lando yells and I grab the ball and run for only two yards before feeling a sharp pain in my left calf muscle.

I get up slow and limp to the sideline before stretching with the athletic trainer.

"C'mon Spence, we need you! Third and six!" My coach says and I sprint back onto the field.

Lando yells go and I run an out-route just short of the first down marker and complete the catch. But it's fourth down still.

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