I'd follow you

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Johnny loved Ponyboy, more than a friend. They were together since Pony was thirteen, they were inseparable. When Johnny witnessed the Socs drowning the love of his life he went to stop them, when he was knocked out the only thing he heard was Ponyboy desperately screamed for Johnny.

This haunted Johnny, he couldn't sleep without waking up screaming. He couldn't look at the Curtis brothers or Two-bit as he told the news of what happened.

"They drowned him and… I didn't know what to do." He whispered as the gang stared in shock and disbelief.

Johnny couldn't be around the gang without the feeling of guilt. As he watched the soc that ruined his life become happy, he decided that he needed to get revenge. His mind snapped when he saw the same socs by the fountain that he drowned Johnny's boyfriend.

He pulled his blade out and killed that soc, feeling no remorse he sat at Ponyboy's grave whispering about what he had done. Everyone lost a brother, friend, or "son, " Johnny lost the love of his life.

He remembered holding Ponyboy in the lot.

"Johnny... Would you follow me if I ran away? " Ponyboy whispered against Johnny's lips.

"I'd follow you to the end of the earth. " Johnny replied with a soft kiss

Johnny's mind had tricked him into believing that Pony was talking to him, saying that the Johnny has to live an eternity without him,  and the empty midnights. It wasn't until Johnny was telling Pony of his love for him that Pony said, "Johnny I'm dead! This is all in your head!" 

Suddenly Johnny was back in the lot, head between his hands rocking back and forth, "please god please! Let me be with him again!" 

Johnny was broken once Pony was gone, his hallucinations got worse and worse over time, it wasn't until "Pony" told him he wasn't coming back that Johnny realized he wasn't going to survive much longer without his lover

He couldn't handle much longer, a week later before the cops found out who committed the murder of the wealthy boy, he died of a broken heart like a swan.

As he met his love at the gates, he held him closely as he kissed the side of his head.

Hand in hand they walked into the afterlife, Johnny's heart forever in Ponyboy's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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