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– It's late at night. The van parked outside of a hotel. All three band members have checked in and got two rooms.

Dave's girlfriend, Jennifer tagged along with them. So Dave decided to get a room for the two of them, while Krist and Kurt share the other.

Ever since the interview after their performance, Kurt has been quiet. In fact, very quiet. Krist remembered bits and pieces, the interview seemed fine.

Then it clicked, he remembered. During the interview, Dave pretended to backhand slap Kurt in the face.

Jennifer was going along with it and making dramatic sounds of, "BAM! POW!" Followed by Krist, Dave, and Jennifer laughing.

Then, Kurt fell silent.

Obviously for shits and giggles, but Krist knew that it must've triggered Kurt's emotional state.

The elevator door opened, all four people walked out. Jennifer laughing as she is hugging Dave's arm.

"That was so funny!" Jennifer urged on, since it only happened an hour ago. Dave nodded in agreement. "For sure! Did you see the look on Kurt's face?!"

Krist wasn't laughing anymore. His hazel eyes looked over to Kurt.

The frontman has his guitar dangling in his left hand. A black Jansport bag on his back. Holding the drugs. A blank expression resting on his face.

It looked empty. His blue eyes sulking with the intense weight and pain. He can feel the pain in his head, heart, stomach, and back.

He felt humiliated. He wanted the interview just to be messing around with the guy, or talking about punk rock.

But, obviously other things have stirred that time.

They made it to their rooms. Dave looked over at Kurt. He noticed the blondes empty look in his eyes.

"Hey, you okay? Sorry man." Dave spoke, as Jennifer fell quiet with her laughter.

Krist looked at Dave when he heard the brief apology. Then, his hazel gaze traveled itself over to Kurt.

Kurt simply shrugged. He didn't say a word. He grabbed the room key out of Krist's hand, and walked down the hall to where the other room is.

Since, the two rooms were a bit away from each other. Jennifer raised an eyebrow. "What's up with him?" She asked.

Krist watched Kurt walk down the hall for a moment before he approached a door with the number 265.

"I'm gonna catch up with him." Krist replied to the couple as his long legs started to trot themselves down the hall.

Dave and Jennifer exchanged glances towards each other but shrugged. They smashed their lips together and got themselves into their own hotel room that was in front of them.

The door with a "Do Not Disturb." Sign out on the door handle as Dave shuts the door.

Krist made his way to the door. It was nearly shut in his face but he caught the door with his large hand.

He opened it further and allowed himself inside. He gently shuts the door behind himself when he entered.

Kurt tossed his backpack. It was tossed onto the floor.

Krist has no idea what's inside of it. But he didn't want to snoop, it's Kurt's. He deserves privacy.

Yet, a heart wrenching feeling was occuring. Krist felt odd.

Something didn't seem right.

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