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Kurt shivered. He felt the coldest of Krist's large hand placing themself onto the warm skin of the frontman's stomach.

"Try to stabilize your breathing, okay? It'll get easier if you focus on your breaths." Krist spoke lowly into Kurt's ear.

Kurt felt his face burn with blush. "Y-yeah. I can do that." Krist smiled as he started to rub Kurt's stomach in small circular motions

Kurt closed his eyes as he focused on his breathing. And, Krist was right. It did start to subside.

He continued this tactic. Feeling the pain slowly start to fade out. A small smile rises to Kurt's face as he laid his head onto Krist's chest.

He exhaled once the pain has left his abdominal. "Thank you." Kurt muttered as he opened his eyes to look at Krist.

They both looked at each other with love. Krist felt his lips tug into a smile. He nodded his head.

"Of course, it's what friends do." Krist replied. Even though he really wanted to say "lovers."

Kurt suddenly felt a pain in his heart once heard "friends." Did all of this mean nothing to their new moments with each other?

The frontman forced a smile on his face. He wasn't sure why he felt sad when the word, "friend" was mentioned.

Until he thought about it further while they were watching the film. Cuddled in the warmth of each other's embraces.

It hit Kurt like a brick. His eyes widen as he stared suddenly at the ground with shock.

'I have feelings for Krist.' Kurt thought as he slowly looked up at the bass player. Whose focused on the film in front of the two.

Krist lowered his hazel gaze. He smiled at Kurt. Kurt returned the smile as he sat up slightly.

He kissed Krist's cheek. "I wanna smoke some weed. Can we?" He asked.

The bassist looked into Kurt's eyes with hushed love. He nodded his head. "Yeah! We can do that. C'mon."

He scooped Kurt up with ease. The blanket still draped over Kurt. The blonde let's put a few giggles.

"Hey!" He shouted in enjoyment as Krist carried him upstairs. "It's up here in my room, I have a bong we can use."

Kurt wrapped his arms around Krist's neck as he laid his head onto Krist's chest. He hummed with a genuine smile.

Krist saw the happiness in Kurt's smile. But some pain in his cerulean eyes.

Krist returned the smile but in the back of his head, he can feel the concern crawl up.

Trying to ignore the sudden concern, he carried Kurt. "Open the door." He purred into Kurt's ear.

Kurt's smile never left. His dimples showing on the corner of his cheeks as he extended out his arm.

He opened the door and the two went inside.

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