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Dave got off the chair. He walked over and brushed some blonde hair away from Kurt's face.

"I can't believe he did this.. was it on purpose?" He asked towards Krist. Krist simply shakes his shoulders.

"I don't know. And we won't know, until Kurt wakes up."Krist replied as he kissed Kurt's cheek softly.

Kurt's dirty blonde eyebrows knitted themselves together. Krist sharply looked over with his hazel eyes.

A small groan left Kurt's lips. But he fell back into the heaviness of the slumber . Most likely from the medications that the doctors had to give to him.

Krist frowned. He pecked Kurt's cheek again softly which caused Dave to smirk.

"I see now." Dave muttered. Krist furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Dave. "What?"

"You like him, don't you?" Dave decided to ask. The smirk slowly turning itself into a smug smile.

Krist felt his heart began to race. His cheeks tinted a bit red from being flustered.

He cleared his throat. "We always kiss, remember? I've kissed you." Krist tried to brush off the feelings off but Dave snorted a laugh.

"No, I know. But this is different. Way different. I see the look in your eyes Krist, you have feelings for Kurt."

Dave acknowledged as his brown eyes slowly glanced themselves to Kurt's sleeping body.

Krist sighed in defeat. "Fuck....yes, I do..." He admitted out the truth. His large hand gently takes grasped of Kurt's smaller one.

He brushed his thumb across the soft skin. Krist chewed on his lip before urging on with his sentence.

"...But he won't have any feelings for me. He's straight, right?" Krist continued but it sounded more like a questionnaire.

Dave broke into a soft fit of laughter. "No! , God no. Dude, it's so obvious. He's at least bisexual." He reassured to the tall bass player.

Dave continued on with shaking his head. "You two tongue kissed on live television. I don't think this man is straight." He laughed after saying this.

Krist laughed softly along. Giving in to Dave's very factual points on this reason.

"Yeah.. you're right." Krist agreed as his hazel eyes traveled themselves back to Kurt's testing body.

Watching how is breathing was soft and gentle. His chest rising and falling. Krist kept a hold of Kurt's hand.

"Now, with that being said.. call me when Kurt is awake. I have to talk with Jennifer.." Dave trailed off as he gets up.

Krist watched Dave stand and nodded his head. "For sure man, tell her that Kurt's okay."

Dave gave a jokingly salute before leaving the hospitalized room. Softly shutting the door behind him once he left.

Leaving Krist and Kurt alone now.

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