Twenty Three

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Krist decided to stay awake. He couldn't help it. His feelings, are real. They came true. He wasn't rejected. He is loved.

Krist happily looked down at the man in his arms. He leaned his head down and kissed Kurt's hair.

He took the scent into his nostrils. It smelt clean. Less greased. It smelled good. Everything about Kurt? Krist enjoyed.

He raised a hand and started to play with the shorter locks. He'll miss the longer, but hair always grows back.

"You're so sweet, and pretty." Krist muttered as his lips traveled to Kurt's cheek. He placed a small kiss.

Kurt remained asleep.

Then, Krist's lips traveled down to Kurt's jaw line. He started to leave little kisses of passion across it.

"You scared me that time you were overdosing.." Krist suddenly says. Remembering the panicked moment.

But Kurt didn't reply. He is still fast asleep. Dreaming about the bassist that is holding him.

Krist suddenly went wide eyed. Seeing a visual flashback of Kurt going in and out of consciousness when he was overdosing that bizarrely horrifying night.

Tears sting into Krist's eyes as he started to shake Kurt. "Kurt..? Baby..? Wake up. You're not overdosing on me again, right..?"

He is panicking. He wasn't sure why is mind was making him think like this. He couldn't control it. The visual playback of memories of that night repeated over and over in his head now.

He wasn't in reality anymore.

"Kurt!" Krist cried out as he shakes the blonde. Kurt groaned and whined in protest when he was shaken awake.

"What..? What..?" Kurt muttered out as he fluttered his eyelids open. He saw Krist in tears. He bolted upwards to sitting up.

"Hon..?" Kurt muttered. But Krist wasn't hearing him. He was now frozen with wide eyes. Tears rolling down his face.

"Krist..? Hon,look at me."

Krist's hazel eyes slowly dart their way to Kurt. "You're alive..?" He croaked out. Kurt was now confused.

"Yes," Kurt slowly replied. "What's wrong, hon?" He asked as he hugged the taller boyfriend close.

Krist felt vulnerable and small suddenly. He hid his face into Kurt's neck. The tears dampening Kurt's skin.

Kurt rubbed Krist's back. "talk to me. I'm worried." He muttered as he kissed Krist's head softly. Laying his chin on his head.

"That night.. it's repeating." Krist cried out as he hugged Kurt close to him. "Don't die on me!" He screamed out in a panic.

Kurt pulled back from the tight embrace. He used his smaller hands and listed Krist's face.

"Look at me. Hey! Krist. Krist...look at me!"

Krist's hazel eyes were darting everywhere in a panic for setting them onto his blonde headed boyfriend.

Kurt smiled a bit. "You're gonna be okay." He muttered.

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