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"You're lying." Kurt suddenly snapped. Krist was taken back. "No..I'm not." He slowly replied.

"How can I know that you aren't? Nobody is proud of me!" Kurt suddenly shouted as he stood himself up.

Krist stood up. "Kurt, look at me." He began but Kurt went back into the small apartment. 

"God damnit, Kurt." Krist grumbled as he gets up. He knows Kurt is very insecure, so he'll have to help calm him down.

He goes into the apartment. Kurt was no where in sight. Krist sighed as he shuts the door.

"Kurt!" Krist called as he started to go up the stairs. He heard sudden soft crying coming from the bathroom.

A frown slowly crept onto Krist's lips. He went over to the door. He softly knocked.

"Kurt..?" Krist muttered. He suddenly heard the sounds of snipping. He widened his eyes. "Kurt?!"

Without hesitation, he opened the door. There, Krist froze.

Kurt had a pair of scissors in his hand. Sloppily cutting his hair as he is breaking down into tears.

Blonde locks slowly falling down onto the bathrooms floor as he sniffled. He slammed the scissors onto the counter.

It was very uneven. Very short.

"Oh, Honey.." Krist started as he walked over. Kurt covered his face. He didn't bare look at the bassist or his own reflection.

Krist used his larger hands and pried the smaller hands away. Kurt lifted his head.

Tears pooling out of his eyes. "Im trying to look better." He muttered. Krist leaned his head down and kissed Kurt's tears away.

Kurt's cheeks warmed up from the sudden affection. "I'm ugly." He weakly croaked out.

Krist shakes his head. "No you aren't. You're very pretty." He complimented.

The compliment gave Kurt butterflies in his stomach. He looked up at Krist. Unsure what to say.

Krist eyed Kurt with love. "So very pretty. You're an amazing person, Kurt. You make incredible art and music. You have a wonderful personality. You may think not, but I promise what I'm saying is true..."

"You're pretty, Kurt."

Kurt sniffled. "You think, so?" He shyly asked the question. Krist leaned his head back down.

He brushed his lips on the corner of Kurt's mouth. Kurt felt his face burn with blush. His heart increased it's beating.

Krist's lips traveled themselves to Kurt's ear as he whispered. "I know so."

Kurt broke into a smile. He eyed up at Krist with tears stinging his cerulean eyes. Such a deep shade of blue.

Krist wiped Kurt's tears. "Now, may I fix your haircut a little..? It's kinda uneven."

They both giggled together.

Kurt nodded after a pause,


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