Twenty One

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(Disclaimer:heavy kisses!//makeout)

Krist suddenly bolted up. He looked at Kurt with shocked eyes. The frontman laughed and raised an eyebrow.

"What? It's true." He replied to Krist's shocked reaction. Krist bit his lip as he leaned forward.

"Kiss me then." Krist challenged. Kurt felt his heart start to race again. He shyly looked away.

His shyness started to get to him. Krist tilted his head. "Whaat? You said you love me, so kiss me."

Kurt felt his heart pound. He turned around to face Krist. He bit his lip before he leaned in.

He softly pressed his lips against the bassist's. Krist felt satisfied as he returned the kiss.

They both kissed with so much love and passion. Their lips still sealed  together as Krist lightly pushed Kurt down on the bed.

He hovered himself over Kurt as they continued to kiss. It turned to into a makeout session for the two of them.

Krist brushed his tongue over Kurt's lip. A small pleasured whimper left Kurt as Krist gently shoved his tongue in.

This wasn't their first time, so they got the ropes down with this. In fact, they kissed just like this for live television before.

But this, this is different. This is full of real emotions for each other. How much love they hidden from one another.

Finally, they are connected like two puzzle pieces. Finally expressing their love for each other.

And they are both okay with that.

They continued to make out for a moment. Kurt's hands tangling themselves into Krist's dark shagged hair.

Krist's large hands resting themselves on Kurt's small boney hips as they both pull away.

Faces are cherry red. Soft panting leaving their lips. Their lips make a smack into the air once they both pulled back.

"Holy shit.." Kurt whispered. Eyeing up at Krist with love in his eyes. Krist returned the look in his eyes.

"Holy shit, indeed." He joked. Which caused the two to laugh softly together.

"That" Kurt acknowledged to the other. Krist pecked Kurt's lips and sat himself up. "I know." He replied slyly.

Kurt moved some of his short hair behind his ear as he giggled timidly. "Can we go outside to smoke, babe?" He asked.

Krist nodded. "Of course, if we're boyfriends." He pressured on with a smirk dancing across his lips.

Kurt felt his face turn red. He shyly nodded. "I thought the kiss would be your answer for that." He shyly spoke.

Krist chuckled. "Oh it did, I just wanted to hear you say it. C'mon, say it."

Kurt bit his lip as he shyly asked. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Krist chuckled. He loves to tease the blonde.

"Of course." Krist replied and pecked Kurt's lips. "c'mon baby, let's go have a smoke outside."

Kurt felt himself smile as the two got off the bed.

"Okay." He softly replied.

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