*Twenty Five*

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"Should we tell him..?" Kurt nervously asked. Fiddling with his sleeves. Krist leaned his head down and kissed Kurt's head. "If you're comfortable with it."

Kurt got off the bed. He yawned and nodded. "Yeah, let's tell him..he deserves to know."

Krist smiled. "As long as you're comfortable with that, then I agree we can tell Dave."

The brunet bassist got off the bed. The two left the bedroom. Hand-and-hand, the two walked down.

They are right. Dave is home. He is awake, rolling himself a cigarette on the coffee table.

"Hi you two, good morning..? Afternoonish." Dave chuckled. He wasn't looking at them, but he felt their presences.

Kurt hugged onto Krist's arm. It was a brief silence. Dave lifted his head. Noticing how close the bass player and frontman are.

He raised an eyebrow. "What's up?" He asked. Kurt shyly let's go of Krist. Now holding his hand once again.

Krist knew he would have to do the talking. "We just need to tell you something."

Dave placed his makeshift cigarette to his lips. He lights it and takes a drag. Exhaling the smoke into the air. "Go ahead, shoot."

Krist smiled. "Well," he paused. Looking at Kurt for a confirmation to say that.

Kurt gave an encouragement nod. Krist looked away. He looked back at Dave.

"Well?" Dave repeated as he tilted his head. Krist takes a deep breath before he continued,

"Kurt and I are dating." Krist told Dave. It slipped out so easily. Kurt kept his eyes looking at the floor. Nervous on what Dave would think.

Dave gasped and smiled imediantly. "Really?! That's amazing for you guys! Of course I support you the whole way!"

Kurt lifted his head. Some tears rested in his eyes as he smiled happily. He sniffled. "Thanks Dave, we appreciate that."

Dave looked at Kurt. "Of course, Kurt. I'm your guy's best friend. I will support you two no matter what."

Krist sighed in relief. "thank you so much for understanding, Dave. We appreciate that."

Dave nodded. "Well no shit! You guys are amazing friends. Of course I support you."

He sets his cigarette on the ash tray. He gets up and hugged Krist and Kurt.

They returned the hug. The band in a group hug with warm smiles across their faces.

Kurt pulled away first and yawned. "I'm tired.." he muttered. Krist imediantly looked over as he pulled away from Dave.

"Let's get you to sleep baby, I bet you haven't slept very well." Krist muttered as he picked up Kurt.

Dave smiled as he watched the twos interaction. "Have a good night, Kurt!" He beamed as he watched Krist carry Kurt upstairs.

Kurt gave a thumbs up and giggled tiredly. He then wrapped his arms around Krist's neck as he was carried.

Krist carried Kurt to his bedroom and the couple went inside. He shuts the door after he plopped Kurt into the bed.

Kurt was about to sit up. But Krist gently pushed the frontman down on the bed. He hovered himself over Kurt.

They smashed their lips together. Kurt smiled as he felt Krist kiss him. Their lips moving in sync slowly with each other. Small smacks can be heard in the room before they pulled back.

Kurt bit his lip as he leaned back in and whined. Krist chuckled, "one more kiss. Then you have to sleep."

Kurt nodded. They both pecked their lips together. It was very soft and gentle. Then, they pulled back.

Krist rolled off Kurt and pulled him close. Krist cuddled Kurt. Taking in his scent and love.

Kurt was now laying on his side. Being the little spoon of this cuddling position.

Krist held the smaller boy close. He left small kisses onto Kurt's neck. Kurt began to giggle. "That tickles.."

The bassist felt his heart flutter in awee. "You're so cute." He whispered. His hot breath tickling Kurt's neck before he planted a large kiss there.

Kurt broke into a genuine smile. He turned his head and kissed Krist's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." Krist replied. Kurt laid back down. Sighing softly in love and relaxation. The room is still dark. So he started to feel tired.

Krist felt himself getting comfortable and tired. He continued to leave sleepy kisses to Kurt's neck and jawline.

Kurt closed his eyes. A small smile dancing on his lips before it slowly faded. The sleepiness consuming him.

Kurt fell asleep.

Krist lifted his head and pecked Kurt's cheek. "Goodnight baby." He muttered as he kept his arms around the shorter blonde.

"Just remember, I'm  Here For You."
Krist whispered and closed his eyes.

Falling asleep with Kurt in his arms.

The end.–♡

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