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The two came downstairs. Krist heard Dave on the phone in the kitchen.

"Yeah? Yeah I can come to your house Jenn. No, I'm not busy." Dave says as he leaned on the kitchen counter.

Krist shakes his head and smiled. "That's cute!" He shouted out which startled Dave.

Dave started to get flustered as he shouts back at Krist. "Krist shut up!" Jennifer can be heard laughing on the other line.

Kurt laughed softly as he sits himself on the couch. Tying on his converse shoes on his two feet.

Krist grabbed the pack of Winston's cigarettes and a lighter that were resting on the coffee table in the living room.

"Wait, you're outside? Right now?! Yeah I'm coming!" Dave chimed happily into the phone and slammed it shut. Hanging it up.

He happily ran himself to the door as Kurt finished tying his shoes on the couch.

"Hey you two, so I'm gonna go over to Jennifer's for the ni-" Dave began but Krist interrupted. "Yeah yeah, we heard. Have fun you love birds." He winked afterwards.

Dave groaned in embarrassment as he left the house in a happy rush. The two can be seen kissing outside from the window before disappearing into Jennifer's car.

"They're cute together." Kurt muttered as he gets off the couch. Krist looked down at the shorter blonde.

His lips curled into a smile as he eyed Kurt with admiration. "Yeah, I agree." Krist replied.

The car drove off once the two got outside with cigarettes in between their finger tips.

The front door shut behind them as they took a seat on the porch. Kurt placed his cigarette to his lips.

"Here, I'll light it." Krist muttered as he flicked on the lighter. Igniting Kurt's cancerous drug since he already lit up his own.

The two smoked together in silence for a moment. Looking at the sunset in front of them.

The smoke traveling itself upwards into the air. Kurt laid his head onto Krist's shoulder.

He flicked some ashes on the pavement path. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Krist had his ears opened. He looked down lovingly at the blonde. Wrapping an arm around him as he takes a drag of his own cigarette.

"Talk. I'll listen." Krist replied sincerely. A small smile dancing on his lips. Kurt takes a deep inhale of his cigarette before exhaling out smoke.

"That night," Kurt began as he flicked his cigarette down. He stepped on it to put it out.

Krist immediately frowned. Remembering the bizarre and traumatizing event that only happened a few weeks ago.

"I..lost it. I couldn't rationalize what the fuck I was doing. I was breaking down,"

Kurt spoke as Krist takes another drag of his cigarette due to upcoming stress.

"I saw myself in the mirror..and I couldn't bare to look at myself. I'm so ugly and.." Kurt chewed on his lip before clearing his throat.

"..It just got so bad. I couldn't help myself. I just blanked out. Completely dissociated. I melted the was a good amount. As I recall..and i-"

Krist imediantly hushed Kurt. "Stop. Don't talk about that drug. You'll crave it." He snapped.

Kurt fell quiet for a moment. "I'm in withdrawals. Of course I'm craving it." He sneered back after a brief moment of silence.

Krist sighed. He flicked his cigarette down and stomped on it to put it out. He kept his arm around Kurt.

"But you're doing so well. You've been clean. I'm proud of you."

Kurts heart dropped. He looked up at Krist. Those words hit him hard. His heart swelled up in happiness as he teared up.

"You're proud of me..?" Kurt felt his voice cracked.

Krist pulled Kurt into a hug. It was gentle and loving. Kurt hid his face into Krist's shoulder.

His blonde hair curtaining his face as warm tears rolled down his face. The warm tears dampened Krist's shirt.

"Yes Kurt, I'm proud of you." Krist replied.

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