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"Boring! Boring! Boring!" Kanae exclaimed as she banged her head against the countertop. Her hands went straight to her head while her housemate, Aki Hayakawa, rolled his eyes at her antics. "Why is this book so boring?"

"You're reading Three Little Pigs," Aki deadpanned as he tried to teach the Desire Devil how to read. It's not that she's incapable of, it it's the fact that she doesn't want to.

"The big bad wolf could easily eat the first two pigs. They're not as smart like piggie number three!"

Aki sighed before he pointed at the page. "Just read, Kanae, it's part of our deal." Kanae groaned as she recalled the deal she and the devil hunter made when she first moved in. "I'll teach you how to make curry after."

Kanae gasped as she sat up straighter in her seat. "You will?!" Aki nodded since he knew curry was Kanae's favorite dish of his. "Aki, you're the best!" Leaning over, Kanae quickly kissed Aki's cheek before she shot up. "Let me take a shit then I'll read more of this boring story."

Aki nodded as he watched the girl run toward the bathroom. Once she was out of his sight, a smile slowly crawled on Aki's face as he ignored the blush on his cheeks. It seems just like yesterday when Makima ordered the fiend to live with him. Neither party was happy about it, the first month Kanae got on Aki's nerves and vice versa. Around the second month got a bit strange for Aki. For some reason, Kanae was really affectionate toward him. When he would come back from hunting another devil she would greet him with a hug or a kiss, which took him by surprise. It bugged him to the point he lashed out at her until she did something that made him understand why. One thing led to another and they finally came to an agreement.

Every day for two hours, Aki was going to homeschool Kanae and, in return, she could give him any kind of affection - as long as it was not too drastic or extreme. So hugging and kissing on the cheek is an ok but full-blown makeout session or sex is off the table. They didn't want to repeat what happened the last time.

"I'm singing and taking a shit," Aki heard Kanae sing. "Taking a shit. Taking a shit. Sitting on the toilet and taking a shit because the poop needs to come out."

"Don't forget to flush the toilet!" Aki shouted.

"Ok!" Kanae shouted back as she continues to hum.


Kanae's eyes sparkled when she heard Makima recruit a new Devil. "Really, he's the Chainsaw Devil!" she beamed. "That's so cool! And you're on your way to meet him? Does this mean I'm going to meet him next?"

"Hopefully not," Aki said as he fixed his tie. Kanae stood on the chair behind him as she tied his hair up. "If this kid's smart then he should quit and stop wasting Makima's time."

"Well maybe if I hurry up on my mission then I can meet him." She leaned over and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "There. Hair's all done."

"Thanks." He turned his head a bit. "What does she have you hunting?"

"Just a little Bee Devil. I'll be ok. Nothing can get past me and my desires."

Aki sighed as he reached up and scratched the girl's dog-like ears, being careful to avoid the piercings. "Be careful."

"Aw, you're gonna worried about me? That's sweet." She removed herself from him and jumped down from the chair. She carried it back before grabbing his pack of cigarettes and running back to give it to him. "You can't forget about these. Or else Himeno would get mad." She looked at the clock. "Ooh, I need to go."

Kanae kissed the corner of Aki's lips before running out of their home.


Kanae hummed happily as she walked toward the small garden. Kobeni informed her of the Bee Devil's location and warned her to watch out for the stinger.

"Wow, it's so pretty out here," she said as she leaned over to smell the yellow flower that was in front of her. "These smell pretty, too." Ignoring the buzzing sound coming from behind her, Kanae plucked the flower from the stem and placed it in her hair. "Maybe Aki would like one of these." Her hand went to the holster on her side. She quickly turned around and took her sword out before pointing it at the Bee Devil. Her eyes became dark as she smiled at the fiend. "Wouldn't you agree?"

The Bee Devil's beady eyes looked at her as the huge slimy wings flapped against his back. Kanae's eyes went toward the large stinger that was sticking out of the devil's behind as it buzzed around her.

"Bzzz. Bzzz. I can't wait to sting you. Bzzz. Bzzz," the Bee Devil said.

"Is that what you desire?" Kanae asked as her eyes glowed.

"I want to...I want to..." the Bee Devil began buzzing around frantically. "I WANT TO STING EVERYTHING HERE!"

The devil flew toward Kanae. The girl jumped into the air and sliced one of the wings off. Kanae opened her mouth as blood came out. She swallowed some of the blood. "Ooh, taste just like honey," she said. She twirled her sword and charged at the devil. "It'll go great with my tea!"

The Bee Devil flew toward her again. It turned around to sting her, which is what Kanae wanted to happen. She used her sword to block the stinger as she looked at the Bee Devil.

"You really want to sting me?" she pouted as her eyes glowed again. "You wouldn't want to sting yourself?" The Bee Devil looked into Kanae's glowing orange eyes. "What can that big stinger do?"

"I want to sting," the Bee Devil said. His vision got blurry as his thoughts were plagued with whispers of people telling him to sting himself. "Sting. Sting. Sting. I want to sting myself!"

The devil began laughing as he swung his stinger around. He ran around like a dog chasing its own tail. He almost touched the tip of his stinger until he felt a sword pierce right through his heart. The Bee Devil began choking on his own blood until Kanae yanked her sword out and sliced the devil right down the middle. The devil's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his limbs and organs dropped to the ground.

Kanae stood over and grabbed the devil's lungs before ripping them out from his ribcage. She smiled sadly before she opened her mouth and started to chomp them down. Looking down, she grabbed whatever organs she could get her hands on and began eating them.

Good girl, she could hear Makima say.


A/N: I know this seems weird now, but things will be explained in future chapters.

Deepest Desire 》Chainsaw ManWhere stories live. Discover now