Chapter 3

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"Do you not know your last name?" Dazai asks grinning.

Now everyone in the room is looking over at me. I gulped under the sudden pressure. I looked down at the ground in surrender and nodded. Then loud footfalls came towards me. It stopped right in front of me. Then there was a loud sound near my ear. I heard everyone gasp in unison. I looked up to see the familiar girl glaring at me. It took a second for the sting on my cheek to kick in.

"Hmm~ S/N? How strange for you to be so violent. Is this your possible sister that you've told us about?" He said In a fake curious tone.

"Well I might as well introduce the sister I never really had. This is y/n l/n my "sister". She was kicked out of my mothers home after my dad's death." She answered.

I was surprised, even a little shocked. She looked so much older than I remembered. She used to be so small with cute long hair. Now she was older with an undercut. He hair looked super silky though. Still smaller than me so that's comforting. I looked at her just as surprised as the rest of the room was, if not a little more. However i was smiling at her softly happy to find her. Then the mention of dad's death set in. I tried my best to keep my face neutral as i touched my cheek looking guilty.

"I have been watching her progress from the first post about her being on the subway. I was hoping she wouldn't find me. In fact I figured she was just doing what she normally did." She explained.

What I normally did? Did she mean to disappear? I did do that but not by choice. At least not fully. Seems however everybody else was looking at us in confusion not seeming to understand my sisters words.

"I- I always came back to you guys afterwards though. I didn't know why I would be somewhere different, or why you guys would disappear. I've been looking for you for a while, but when I call you, you don't answer. I even got tons of social media services to try and find you guys again." I said to her, trying to explain myself.

"Just like how you didn't know what happened to dad? Despite the fact he died laying on top of you smiling. Not to mention you both were laying on the couch" She said.

My vision blurred over with the memory of that night. The hands touching me. The soundproof basement. The look in his eyes. I tried to shake it away as fast as possible. I tried to keep my head clear. I tried but I couldn't help the glow of my body. 'I wish I wasn't here'. Then the world stopped in an instant. Like it paused and my vision blurred over. I stumbled back and fell down the white tunnel. Then I was in the street sitting down. Horns were honking, and the world was slightly spinning. Where am I now. Dammit I finally found her, why?! Why am I such a coward?! I slowly stood up, still dazed from the fall. I look around my eyes slowly adjusting to the blaring colors of the city. I stumble to a light pole off the road. Too many sounds are trying to fill my ears. As well as the many lights. I slid to the ground against the pole. Teleporting always took a lot out of me. Not to mention my health probably wasn't in the best condition. I passed out letting the rain soothe me into sleep.

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