Chapter 1: Born A Murderer

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Ever since Kion was a little cub, he wouldn't stop hunting. He showed no mercy to anything. Everyone was scared of him, because he seemed psychotic. Kion never had a smile on his face.

(Kion 17, Kion means, "Leader")

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(Kion 17, Kion means, "Leader")

Kion got a scar on his face by a snake. It wasn't venomous though. But over the years, everyone thought it was.

Kion was walking through the Pridelands, as usual, he didn't have a smile on his face. Kion spotted a gazelle. He chased after it. Kion jumped up its back, and bit into its neck. The gazelle fell, dead. Kion walked away. The blood still on his muzzle.

Kion walked up Priderock. Simba noticed his son. "Kion, anything you want to tell me?" Simba asked. Kion gave him a death glare and walked inside.

As Kion walked in, the lionesses backed away, ears pinned to their heads in fear. Kion went to the back of the cave. The blood on his muzzle making him look more scary and psychotic.

Nala walked up to her son. "Hi Kion," She smiled. Kion had a small soft spot for his mom, but not much. Nala nuzzled him. Kion jerked away. "Sorry, overstepped your boundaries," Nala apologized. She stepped back. Kion rested his head on his paws, and fell asleep.

Nala walked to Kiara and Simba. "Simba, I'm worried for Kion. He seems to get more, uh, how do I say it-" Simba cut her off, "Psychotic?" "What no! How could you say that about our son!" Nala shouted. "With all due respect mom, he is, everyone is scared of him," Kiara replied. Nala scoffed and walked closer to Kion. She didn't sleep right next to him, because he didn't like others touching his fur, or getting into his personal space. Last time that happened, the lioness died.

Simba was talking with Kiara. "Kiara, I don't think Kion should stay in this Pride. He is dangerous," Simba said. "I agree, but mom will be devistated. Let's exhile him if he does something super wrong," Kiara said. "Yes. Then everyone would feel a lot safer," Simba agreed. They walked away and slept next to Nala.

Kion was dreaming. But to someone else, it would be a nightmare. Kion was sinking his claws and teeth into every animal he saw. Blood was all over him. He loved the smell of blood. It brought him pleasure. He pictured of murdering his dad, and sister. Basically the whole pride, except his mother. Nala was always there for him. She never called him evil, and never did anything to make him not feel appreciated. If there was one animal Kion could save, it would be his mother. Kion went back to his murderous dreams.

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