Chapter 9: Rani's Feelings

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Kion bit hard into Rani's neck. Rani slowly felt her life slipping away. She was gasping for breath. Her eyes started to close.

Kion held his jaw bite in Rani's neck. He felt her blood dripping down his muzzle, to his chest. Rani was almost dead, just a few more seconds. Suddenly, Kion was pushed out of the way.

Rani collapsed to the ground, her body was limp. Kion glared at his attacker, Baliyo. "Get away from my sister!" Baliyo growled. Kion smirked. "I will, once shes dead," Kion attacked Baliyo, and pinned him to the ground. Kion sliced Baliyo's face with his claws. Blood dripped down Baliyo's face. Kion looked at his claws. "Still sharp as ever," He smirked evilly.

Kion clawed Baliyo's legs. Baliyo roared in pain. Kion heard a roar come from the entrance. He looked up. "Ugh, leave it to King Sahasi to ruin the fun," Kion rolled his eyes. "Get away from my cubs!" Sahasi ordered. Kion looked at his razor sharp claws. "I could, but killing is more my style." Kion lunged at Sahasi.

Sahasi was prepared for that, and stepped to the side. Kion slid on his feet. Sahasi got a glimpse of his daughter. She was in a pool of blood, and blood was coming out of her mouth. Baliyo seemed fine.

"Rani!" Sahasi ran to her. Kion smirked evilly. "No I can't lose you too!" Sahasi cried. Kion growled.

Rani slowly opened her eyes. "Great I failed again!" Kion rolled his eye's. "I'm fine dad," Rani said weakly. Sahasi nuzzled her. Rani slowly stood up. Baliyo was already up. Rani walked up to Kion.

Rani went right up to him. Kion gave a disgusted look.

Sahasi was right behind his daughter just incase Kion tried to hurt her

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Sahasi was right behind his daughter just incase Kion tried to hurt her.

Kion growled at her. Rani was leaving a trail of blood as she walked. "Kion, calm down ok," Rani said. Kion snarled at her. "Dad, Baliyo, can you go?" Rani asked.

"Sure," They left, but with some hesitation. "Kion, I don't believe you are like this. What's going on?" Rani asked. Kion was shocked. Everyone always was scared of him, or hated him. The only person who ever cared for him was his mom. "Kion?" Rani asked.

"I-I don't know why I'm like this," Kion said. Kion started feeling something for Rani, but he wasn't sure what it was, "Everyone always hated me, and so I just kept killing," Kion explained. "Oh Kion. I don't hate you," Rani replied. "But, I almost killed you on multiple occasions," Kion said.

"Almost' is the key word," Rani smiled. Kion's heart started beating faster. "I-Im sorry Rani," Kion was shocked that he was saying this. "Your making good progress Kion," Rani smiled, "So are you done killing?" "Hell no! Killing is what makes me happy, and you won't change that," Kion growled. "We'll see about that," Rani gave him a flirty look, and walked past him. As she did, she ran her tail under his chin.

"You coming?" She asked. "No," Kion replied. Rani bit his ear and dragged him out.

"Hey!" Kion shouted. "You didn't listen," Rani shrugged. Kion growled, but stopped. "Wow Kion, I'm starting to see my impact on you," Rani smirked.

"Ok, next thing for your training is, empathy," Rani explained. "Huh?" Kion raised an eyebrow. "Kion I swear! You are the definition of a psychopath if you don't know what empathy is!" Rani shouted. "I've always been a psychopath, so," Kion shrugged. Rani rolled her eyes playfully.

"Ok, let's say my dad was hurt, what do you do?" Rani asked. "Is he on the verge of dieing?" Kion asked. Rani nodded. "I'd finish the job," Kion replied. "Really," Rani scoffed.

"Ok, what if I was on the verge of dieing?" Rani asked. "I would help you," Kion said. He was shocked, he had only ever felt that way for his mom. "Really?" Rani asked. "Uhh," For some reason Kion was blushing.

"Kion?" Rani asked. Kion was blushing like a madman. "Kion your face is red, are you ok? Are you sick?" Rani asked worried. Kion couldn't talk. Rani chuckled. She walked up and kissed his cheek.

Kion froze. Rani smiled with a blush. "Kion, I like you, and I think your hot. And I love how aggressive you are. It's attractive," Rani smirked at him. "I-uh," Kion was in so much shock. No lioness had ever liked him. They were always scared of him.

"D-Do you like me?" Rani asked worried. "I don't know. I've never liked anyone. The lionesses were always scared of me," Kion explained. "Well, that just changed today," Rani slid her paws up his chest slowly and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kion was shocked at the feeling, but he loved it. Rani kissed him. Kion was suprised. Rani pulled away and gave him a flirty look. "Kion, I don't know why the lionesses in your old pride didn't like you, but they are missing out. I have the hottest lion in the world in my grasp," Rani smirked at him.

Kion couldn't speak. "Kion, do you like me? You never answered me," Rani asked worried. "Rani I-" "RANI!"

To be continued...

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