Chapter 27: A Happy Ending

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Rani and Kion breathed heavily. "That was fun," Kion smirked. Rani kissed him, "C'mon, let's wake up Raja and Sawa."

Kion and Rani gently woke the two cubs up. "Mom, dad?" Sawa asked. "Want to play a game?" Kion smiled. "Yea!" Sawa jumped up.

Raja heard his sister, and woke up. He smiled. "Morning Raja," Kion nuzzled him. "Daddy!" Raja giggled. "Guess they like you more than me," Rani chuckled. Kion laughed.

"C'mon guys, let's go!" Rani said. The cubs followed Rani and Kion. "What are we doing mommy?" Sawa asked. "Tag," Rani smiled.

"What's that?" Raja asked. He pointed to a leaf. "That's a leaf," Kion chuckled. "Is it scary," Raja asked. "No," Kion replied. Raja and Sawa started running after it.

Kion and Rani chuckled. Raja tackled the leaf to the ground. "I got it," He giggled. Kion nuzzled him.

"Ok, you two are it, try to tag me and daddy," Rani said. Raja and Sawa laughed and started running after Kion and Rani.

Kion and Rani ran slow, obviously because the cubs weren't as fast as them. "I'm gonna  get you daddy," Raja laughed. "Oh no!" Kion chuckled. He let Raja gain on him.

Raja jumped on Kion's back. Kion dramaticly fell to the ground. "No, No, he got me," Kion said. Raja giggled. Raja nuzzled Kion.

Rani was slowly running from Sawa. Rani turned around. Sawa was behind her, then she turned forward, but Sawa was infront of her. Sawa tackled Rani, and pinned her to the ground. Rani and Sawa laughed.

Kion and Rani got up. "Alright, now you run from us!" Kion said. "Ahh," Raja and Sawa giggled and ran.

Kion ran up on Sawa, and Rani went for Raja. "We are gonna get you," Kion said. "No your not!" Sawa laughed and ran faster. Kion chuckled.

"Raja! Your to fast!" Rani gasped for breath. "That's right mommy, I beat you," Raja laughed. Rani smiled. "Come here," Rani said. Raja hopped over to her. He nuzzled Rani's leg, and purred. Rani nuzzled him.

Kion tagged Sawa, "Gotcha!" "Aww man," Sawa giggled. Kion nuzzled his daughter, "I love you Sawa." "I love you too daddy," Sawa smiled. Kion and Sawa walked to Rani and Raja.

"C'mon, let's get a drink," Rani said. They walked to a river.

Raja pawed at the water. "Brr it's cold!" Raja jumped back. Kion chuckled and lapped at the water. Rani also started drinking the water.

"Aren't you scared it's going to take you?" Sawa asked. "I'm not, because it won't," Rani chuckled. Sawa and Raja looked at the rushing water.

Raja leaned over to drink, but slipped. Before he fell in, Kion grabbed his scruff. "I got ya," Kion said. Raja ran up to Kion and hid under him.

"Raja, it's ok," Kion said. "N-No, I almost died," Raja shook in fear. Kion looked at Rani. Sawa ran under Kion to.

"Keep me safe please," Sawa asked. "I will," Kion smiled. He looked at Rani. She nuzzled him, "Your their favorite." "I know," Kion smirked. Rani chuckled. "I'll get you two some water," Rani said. She grabbed a leaf, and dipped it in the water. Then she set in down by them.

"Is it safe?" Raja asked. "Yes it is," Kion smiled. Raja and Sawa drank. Kion, Rani, Sawa, and Raja walked back to the tree. Sawa and Raja went to sleep.

Kion and Rani nuzzled. They layed next to them.

"Kion, I'm glad that you changed your ways," Rani smiled. "I am too, and I'm sorry again for killing your parents," Kion apologized.

"It's fine Kion really," Rani replied. Kion smiled and kissed Rani. "I love you," Kion said. "I love you too," Rani smiled.

The End!

I have finished this book! I hope you all enjoyed it!  I'm making many Kion and Rani books. I can't wait to share them with you all!

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