Chapter 25: Don't Kill Them

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Rani screamed. Kion turned to her. "Rani! Are you ok?" Kion asked. "Yeah fine, just a stomach ache. I shouldn't have eaten that gazelle," Rani lied, "I need a rest, why don't you take a walk?"

"Uh ok Rani," Kion raised an eyebrow and walked away. Rani slowly walked to the tree in pain. When Rani go to the Tree, Nirmala was in there.

"Rani are you ok?" Nirmala asked. "Ahh! The cubs are coming!" Rani screamed. "Ok Rani, calm down, and lay on the rock," Nirmala instructed. Rani slowly walked to the rock and collapsed in exhaustion.

"Ok Rani, everything is ok, your doing great. Now, I need you to push," Nirmala instructed. Rani pushed and screamed. A gold cub fell into Nirmala's arm. "Ok Rani. One more," Nirmala said. Rani pushed again. Tears streamed down her face. A brown cub fell into Nirmala's arms. Nirmala put the cubs by Rani's stomach so they could nurse.

"Rani, I will make sure that Kion won't hurt the cubs. You are weak and can't defend them right now," Nirmala said. "Thanks Nirmala," Rani smiled. She started cleaning the cubs. After a few minutes, Rani put them in her arms and fell asleep.

Kion walked into the tree. "Hi Rani, you feeling better?" Kion asked. Rani was laying on her side. "Im fine Kion," Rani smiled. "Hi Nirmala," Kion said. Nirmala nodded. Kion walked up to Rani.

Kion heard a little squeak. He looked around confused. "What was that?" Kion asked. Kion noticed something in Rani's arms. He walked closer, and saw two cubs in her arms. Rani looked scared.

Kion roared with rage. Nirmala ran infront of Kion. "You aren't laying a paw on them," She growled. Kion threw Nirmala against a wall. "I thought I killed them!" Kion growled.

"Kion, please don't hurt them," Rani begged. Kion glared at her and growled at the two cubs. Rani picked up the brown one, and put him in Kion's arm. Kion stared into the little cubs eyes. The cub smiled at him and giggled. He reached up his little paws and grabbed Kion's muzzle.

Kion looked at the little cub. "He likes you," Rani smiled. Kion looked up from the cub to Rani. Kion looked back at the little brown cub. The cub smiled at him. "Th-This is my son?" Kion asked. "Yes Kion," Rani replied. The little cub nuzzled into Kion's chest, and started purring.

"He's so small," Kion said to Rani. Rani nuzzled Kion. "Glad that you didn't kill them?" Rani asked. "But, I'm a murderer," Kion replied. "No your not Kion, your a caring, funny, kind, and handsome lion, you will be a great dad, you just need to give it a chance," Rani said.

Kion looked at the brown cub in his arm, and the golden one in Rani's arms. "I will," Kion smiled. Seeing the little cubs, changed Kion's mind.

"What do you want to name them?" Rani asked. Kion layed next to her, and kept the little brown cub in his arms. "How about Raja for this little guy," Kion tickled him. Raja laughed. "Lets name this one Sawa," Rani said. "Beautiful," Kion nuzzled Rani.

"I'm so sorry for trying to kill them. I shouldn't have done that, it was selfish and arrogant of me," Kion looked down. Rani kissed his cheek, "I understand why you did it, and you don't need to apologize." Kion smiled and licked Rani's cheek.

Nirmala woke up from being slammed into the wall. She saw Kion cuddling with the cubs, and Rani. "I see you got through to him," Nirmala said. "Actually it wasn't me, it was Raja," Rani motioned toward the little brown cub in Kion's arms. Nirmala chuckled, "Congrats." She walked out.

Kion and Rani fell asleep with Raja and Sawa.

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