Chapter 20: Mates

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Kion was shocked. Baliyo's jaw dropped. "So, do you still like me?" Rani asked keeping him pinned. Kion didn't know what to say.

"Kion?" Rani asked. Nala walked up to her and chuckled, "He's in shock Rani." "Oh," Rani nodded and stepped off Kion. Kion stayed on the ground.

"Kion, get up," Nala chuckled. Kion did. He looked at Rani. Rani smiled at him. "I like you to Rani," Kion smiled. Rani ran up and kissed him.

"Really guys!" Baliyo asked in disgust. They chuckled. "Rani I am so sorry for attacking you," Kion apologized.

Rani shushed him, "Don't apologize. I already forgave you." Kion smiled. They nuzzled. "Seriously get a cave!" Baliyo gagged.

Kion, Rani, and Nala laughed. "Wait Kion! If your Rani's mate now, that makes you king!" Nirmala shouted. Kion froze, "King?" "Yeah," Nirmala smiled. Kion ran off.

"What the heck was that all about?" Baliyo asked. "I don't know, let me go get him," Rani ran off.

Rani finally caught up to Kion. She pinned him down. "Kion what's wrong? Are you scared of becoming King?" Rani asked. Kion nodded. "Why?" Rani was confused.

"Because my dad is a King," Kion explained, "I don't want to follow in his pawprints." "Kion don't worry, you won't turn into Simba," Rani chuckled. Kion breathed a sigh of relief. Rani let him up.

"You'll do just fine," Rani smiled. "I hope so. I mean, all the animals hate me for what I've done," Kion sighed. "They'll forgive you, just as I did," Rani said. Kion nodded. "How can you be sure?" Kion asked.

"Kion, animals are very forgiving. I gave you a chance even though you killed my mom," Rani explained. Kion sighed, "Sorry about that." "Your good," Rani smiled.

"Ok, now we need to prepare for your coronation!" Rani squeaked. "Uh ok?" Kion and Rani walked off.

As the sun started setting over the Tree Of Life, all the animals gathered for the coronation of Kion. Kion stood on the rock.

Kion could hear whispered about him, "He's the one who murdered Rani's family," and, "Why is he becoming King if he's a psychopath?" Kion sighed.

He looked at Rani. She smiled at him. This gave Kion some confidence. A baboon put a 'V' shape on Kion's head. "King Kion!" Only some of the animals cheered. Rani noticed.

"Why aren't you cheering for your new King! You must respect him!" Rani growled. All the animals started cheering. Kion sighed. He didn't want the animals cheering because they were forced to. Kion walked into the tree, sulking.

Rani noticed Kion. His tail was dragging, and his ears were pinned to his head. He was walking into the tree. Rani followed him.

"Kion?" Rani asked. She saw Kion's amber eyes in the darkness. Once her eyes adjusted, she saw all of Kion. "Kion what's wrong?" Rani asked.

"The animals don't accept me, I told you," Kion sighed. "Well, some of them do," Rani said. "Is that supposed to make me fell better!" Kion shouted. "Well, i-it was, untill you said the sentence like that," Rani replied.

Kion sighed. Rani walked up to Kion and nuzzled him. "Your fine Kion. The animals will warm up to you, don't worry," Rani smiled.

"I don't think so, for some of them, I killed their families," Kion sulked. "Kion your fine, just give it time, help them, they will understand," Rani said. Kion smiled, "You always know what to say."

"Yep, now come on let's party!" Rani pushed Kion back out. Kion chuckled. For once in his life, he felt loved and cared for.

Rani and Kion laughed as they danced around. Kion didn't think he was ready to be King, but as long as Rani believed in him, he knew he would be fine.

The celebration ended. Kion and Rani walked into the tree. Rani jumped on the rock. Kion went to the side of the tree.

Rani noticed Kion wasn't next to her. "Kion? What are you doing over there?" Rani asked. "Well, I wanted to give you space," Kion said. Rani chuckled, "Cmon here Kion."

Kion walked over to Rani. He layed next to her, and fell asleep.

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