Chapter 16: Suspicions

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Kion didn't like this Akari guy. Kion wanted to rip his throat out, but he couldn't. Kion sighed. He walked to Rani and his mom for his next lesson. Kion rolled his eyes at the thought.

"Ok Kion, your next thing you have to do is control how much you kill a day," Rani said Nala nodded. "What!" Kion shouted, "Your taking away what makes me happy!"

Rani raised an eyebrow. Kion rolled his eyes and sighed. "Good Kion," Rani tussled his mane. "Hey!" Kion growled. Rani and Nala chuckled.

"Ok Kion, see those gazelles? Kill one, and resist the temptation to kill more," Rani instructed. Kion sighed and walked to the gazelle.

Kion got into a pouncing position and stalked the gazelles. Before he could pounce, someone roared. Kion looked up. It was Akari. All of the gazelles ran away.

"Akari!" Rani yelled, "What are you doing!" "Sorry," Akari apologized. Kion growled at him. "Rani, I really need to talk to you," Akari said. "Uh ok," Rani followed Akari far away from everyone.

"So what's up?" Rani asked. "You," Akari smirked. Rani raised an eyebrow. Akari knocked her out, and dragged her to a secret cave.

Nala started to get worried. Rani has been gone for to long. "Kion, we need to find Rani," Nala said. "Yeah, this Akari guy, I don't like him," Kion growled.

Kion and Nala ran around looking for Rani. They didn't find Rani, but they found Akari. Kion attacked him. "Where's Rani!" Kion shouted. "I don't know!" Akari replied. Kion stuck his claws to Akari's throat.

"Kion, calm down," Nala nuzzled him. Kion growled, but listened. "Rani was last with you!" Kion growled.

"Sorry, I don't know where she is," Akari lied. He walked away. Kion paced back and forth, "How am I supposed to get better if Rani isn't here!" Nala smirked, "Kion, I think you like Rani." "What no! I just want to get better!" Kion growled.

"Uh huh," Nala chuckled. Nala and Kion kept looking for Rani.

Rani woke up in a dark cave. "Huh? What's going on!" Rani jumped up, but was punched down on her stomach. "Your not going anywhere." Rani turned around to see Akari. He was holding her down.

"Why are you doing this!" Rani shouted. "To take over the tree, and with you gone, I can take my place as King," Akari smirked.

"Ok, first of all, none of the animals would accept you they don't even know you! Second, if I die, Baliyo would become King," Rani snarled.

Akari growled, and clawed her back. Rani screamed in pain. Akari kept clawing her until she was completely covered in scratches and blood. Rani cried from pain.

Akari left, but made sure to have someone guard the cave.

Rani was groaning in pain. From the amount in blood loss, Rani passed out.

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