Chapter 14: Let Me Help You

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Rani ran after Kion. She started gaining on him. Rani pinned him down. She was standing on his back. "Get off me!" Kion growled.

"No Kion, you need help. Serious help!" Rani replied. "No I don't!" Kion snarled. "Kion, let me help you," Rani begged. "Your wasting your time," Kion rolled his eye's. "What if I said your mother was here?" Rani asked.

"Wait what?" Kion looked around, though it was a struggle with Rani on him. "Kion, what if your mom was here? Then would you let me help you?" Rani asked. Kion pushed Rani off him. He stared at her.

"Where's my mom! Kion shouted. "I'm here Kion." Kion turned around. He saw him mom. Kion didn't hug her, because he doesn't like being hugged. "Hi mom," Kion said.

"Kion, are you alright?" Nala asked. Before Kion could answer, Rani talked. "I'm sorry Nala, but he isn't, he killed my mom, dad, attempted to kill my brother, killed me, but my parents gave me a second chance, then he just went on a killing rampage on innocent animals," Rani explained.

Kion growled at Rani. "Kion is this true?" Nala asked. Kion rolled his eye's. "Nala, I need your help," Rani asked. Nala nodded. "Great," Kion rolled his eye's.

"C'mon Kion, let's go," Rani said. "No," Kion growled. Rani rolled her eyes. She bit his ear, and pulled him away. Nala chuckled. She followed Rani and Kion.

They arrived at a jungle oasis. Rani let go of Kion's ear. "You need to stop doing that," Kion complained. "And you need to start listening," Rani replied. "You better listen to her Kion," Nala chuckled. Kion rolled his eye's.

"Kion stay here please, I need to talk to Rani," Nala said. "Ok mom," Kion replied. Nala took Rani away.

"What do you need Nala?" Rani asked. "I have only been here for a few minutes, and I feel like there is something going on between you and Kion," Nala said.

"No. Well, I like him, but when I admitted my feelings, he killed my dad, then me. But my parents gave me a second chance," Rani explained.

"Really? You like Kion? That's shocking," Nala said. "Why?" Rani asked. "Well, he killed your parents. I love him very much, but he really needs help," Nala explained, "Why do you like my son?" "Uh..." Rani blushed. Nala raised raised eyebrow. "Ok, well he is very hot, I love how aggressive he is, and his smile makes my heart flutter," Rani explained.

Nala smiled, "I hope you two get married. You are a great lioness Rani." "Thank you Nala," Rani smiled back. They walked back to Kion.

When they arrived back at Kion, he had a gazelle pinned down, ready to kill it. He saw his mom and Rani. He let the gazelle go.

"Ok Kion, back to our original test, empathy," Rani said. "Kion, I need you to attack me," Rani ordered, "But before you kill, me, think about what your doing, stop." "Rani are you sure?" Nala asked. "Yes, and if Kion doesn't show empathy, get him off me, ok?" Rani asked.

Nala nodded. Rani prepared herself for pain. Kion growled and smirked evilly. He charged at Rani. He started clawing her legs. Nala was about to help, but Rani stopped her. Kion looked at him mom, then down at Rani.

He got off Rani. "Wow, that is impressive," Nala said shocked. Rani stood up, and winced at the pain in her legs. "Kion, you just felt empathy," Rani smiled.

"Oh jeez, I'm learning things, mom, kill me now!" Kion shouted. Nala raised an eyebrow. Kion sighed. "Yay, I'm making progress," Kion said with a sigh. Nala nuzzled him and whispered in his ear, "Rani likes you." Shs backed away.

Kion stood there shocked. Even after he killed her parents she still liked him. Kion brought the feeling down, and growled at the thought. "Ok, let's take a break, it's time to sleep anyway," Rani said. They nodded.

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