Chapter 10: Progress Lost

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"Rani I-" "RANI!" Kion and Rani turned around. Sahasi was standing there growling. "Dad!" Rani shouted shocked.

"What is going on here!" Sahasi stormed up to them. "N-Nothing dad!" Rani stampered. "You kissed this psychopath!" Sahasi growled, "Your grounded!" "What! Dad!" Rani complained. "And YOU!" Sahasi growled at Kion, "You are exhiled!" Kion attacked Sahasi. He ripped up his stomach and throat. "Kion stop!" Rani begged.

Kion looked at Rani. For some reason, his heart fluttered. "Kion please don't hurt my dad," Rani begged. Kion listened, but growled at Sahasi as he got up.

Sahasi growled back. "Dad stop," Rani said. "Me? This lion is a psychopath!" Sahasi shouted. "Damn right I am!" Kion growled.

"See he even admits it!" Sahasi snarled. "Dad, I have made great progress with Kion," Rani said. "More like he's making progress with you," Sahasi rolled his eyes. "Dad!" Rani growled.

"Fine, but I don't want to catch you two doing anything," Sahasi growled. "You won't, because there is no way I'm going to be mates with Rani who has you as her dad!" Kion shouted. Rani's heart sank.

"That's good," Sahasi scoffed and walked away. Kion dug his claws into the ground. "So, you don't like me then," Rani ran away in tears. All of Kion's goodness progress, just went down the drain. He was back to psychotic ways.

Kion smirked evilly. He went on a killing rampage. Kion started stalking Baliyo. He smirked evilly, and attacked.

Kion clawed up Baliyo's stomach. Blood went everywhere. Kion's gold fur glistened red with blood. Baliyo's eye's closed. Kion smirked and hopped off him. He walked away looking for the next thing to kill.

Kion was attacking Baliyo. Baliyo closed his eyes, and Kion walked away. By some miracle, Baliyo was still alive, but if he didn't get help soon, he wouldn't be.

Rani ran away crying. "I should never have fallen for him. I should've known he wouldn't like me!" Rani cried. Suddenly, Rani felt something. "Baliyo," Rani whispered. She ran.

Rani found Baliyo on the ground, surrounded in blood. "Baliyo!" Rani screamed. Baliyo slowly opened his eyes. "," He asked weakly. Rani ran to find Nirmala.

Kion walked away from Baliyo. His next victim was King Sahasi. Kion walked toward the Tree.

Sahasi was sleeping on the Royal Rock, when he got Kion's scent in his lair. He opened his eyes. Kion was standing right above him, blood dripping from his mouth. He was smirking evilly.

"Kion?" Sahasi asked still tired. "Long live the King!" Kion snarled. Kion took his claws, and slashed Sahasi's throat, then Kion bit his throat, just to be sure he was dead. When Kion was positive he died, he walked away. The King of the Tree Of Life, had been murdered by Kion.

Rani found Nirmala by a tree. "Nirmala, it's Baliyo!" Rani shouted. Nirmala and Rani ran towards Baliyo.

Baliyo was fighting for breath. Nirmala took cobwebs, and put them on his open wounds to stop the bleeding. They gave Baliyo some water, and food. He felt better.

"Baliyo, who did this to you?" Nirmala asked. "Kion," Baliyo replied. Rani sighed. She couldn't believe she even thought she and Kion could be together. Kion had made such good progress, then it just went down the drain.

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