Chapter 18: Trust Issues

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Rani opened her eyes. She saw a male lion looking at her. It was Kion. Rani jumped up and backed away. "G-Get away from me!" Rani stampered.

"Huh?" Kion raised an eyebrow. Nala walked up to Rani. "Sweety, what's wrong?" Nala asked. Rani looked at Nala, and hugged her. "Keep him away from me! I can't go through it again!" Rani cried.

"Go through what again?" Nala asked. "Akari, he, he, he raped me!" Rani cried. Nala looked at Kion, "Kion, leave." Kion sighed and walked out.

"Rani, I'm sorry you had to go through that, but Kion would never hurt you," Nala said. Rani looked up at her, "Yes he would! He is a male!" "Rani, he won't hurt you, he might be having some, uh, problems, but he wouldn't hurt you."

"Yes he would, he already did! He almost killed me, twice!" Rani shouted. "I'm sorry Rani, I'm here, and if you don't want to see Kion, then I won't let him in," Nala sighed.

"Thank you Nala," Rani smiled slightly.

Kion walked out of the tree. "Seriously! Why can't I be there! What does Rani think im going to do," Kion scoffed. Kion ran into Baliyo.

"Kion!" Baliyo growled. "Hey Im not going to hurt you," Kion replied. "Really?" Baliyo asked. Kion nodded.

"So, where's Rani? Is she ok?" Baliyo asked. "She's in the tree. I'm not allowed in there because Rani was raped and she thinks that I'm going to try and mate her," Kion growled.

"What!" Baliyo shouted. He ran to the tree. "Great," Kion rolled his eye's. He kept walking around. He found Nirmala.

"Oh hey Kion," Nirmala smiled. "Hi," Kion sighed. "What's wrong?" Nirmala asked. "Rani doesn't trust me," Kion replied. "Oh I'm sorry Kion" Nirmala apologized. Kion sighed.

"Is there anything I can do?" Nirmala asked. "Make Rani like me!" Kion shouted. He covered his mouth in shock. "Kion?" Nirmala asked. "Uhh I didn't say anything!" Kion ran off. Nirmala chuckled, "I better tell Rani."

Rani was sitting in the tree with Nala. Baliyo ran in. "Hi Baliyo," Rani smiled. She trusted him because he was her brother.

"Are you ok! Kion told me that Akari, uh, had his way with you," Baliyo asked. Rani growled, "Don't ever bring up Kion or Akari again!" "Oh I won't, but are you ok though?" Baliyo asked.

"I'm halfway fine," Rani replied. Nirmala walked in. "Rani, there is something you need to know," Nirmala said. "Yes?" Rani asked. "Kion likes you."

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