reckamened by _PhantomRoses_ (S2)

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as u can see from the title i made another one olny bc i got this commet on my profile comment thing

So thanks _PhantomRoses_ for the idea and i have a reason for not posting this sooner, i was abt to work on it but then my dad turned off my inernet and so i wrote it down a pipice of paper so now i have to write it all on here, thats my reason

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So thanks _PhantomRoses_ for the idea and i have a reason for not posting this sooner, i was abt to work on it but then my dad turned off my inernet and so i wrote it down a pipice of paper so now i have to write it all on here, thats my reason... also hope u don't mind i change a bit of the suggestion to fit better with what i wrote!


*jimmy and scott are hanging out also this is in scott pov*

"hey scott?" jimmy said "yeah?" i said. "what time is it?" jimmy asked. *I look at the clock* "aroud 12:07, why?" I awsered/asked. "SHIT, I have a meeting with pix in about 20 mins, so i have to go" jimmy said while geting up and then ran to the door. "Wait! jimmy your forgeting something." I said kinda yelling. "oh um" JImmy said running back to me and KISSED ME on the cheek. "there i got to go!" JImmy said but before he could run out the door i grabbed his arm. "J-Jimmy no, you don't have your alytra on!" I said "oh... thanks" Jimmy said pullling out and putting on his alytra then he ran to the door.. "Bye love u!!!" jimmy yelled while running out the door. (I-i need to tell the girls what just happend) i thought and then pulled out my phone


*in the groupchat called (all the girls + scott)

Honorary girl: "OMG your girls won't bevile what just happend!"

Meow~:"did u sleep with another guy again bc if so we don't care"

monster slayer: "^"

Shape shifter: "it's Scott ofc he sleepted with a guy"

Honorary girl:"nope, i didn't sleep with a guy....this time"

Faker of death girl: "Ok what are you waiting for tell US!"

Meow~: "im reading so go on tell us"

Honorary girl:"well me and jimmy were hanging out and he asked me what time it was..."

Meow~: "anddd?"

Clone girl?:"Scott what did u do to jimmy!?"

*5mins of scott typeing later*

Shape shifter: "Scott?"

Meow~: "u ok Scott?"

Faker of death girl: "Lizzie text joel to check on scott"

*not even a one sec later*

Honorary girl:"i told him around 12:07 and he said 'SHIT, i have a meeting with pix in 20 mins and then ran to the door without a alytra on so i said 'wait! jimmy you forgot something' and then he said 'oh um' then ran up to me KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK and was abt to ran to the door but i grabbed his arm and said 'Jimmy no, you don't have your alytra on' then jimmy said 'Oh, thanks!' and then put his alytra on and he said whlie running out the door he said 'Bye, love u!!!' SO UM HELP ME IDK WHAT TO DO"

*like 3 mins of reading Scotts long as text later*

Faker of death girl: "OMG scott i think u just got a boyfriend"

Meow~:"u deff should ask jimmy out bc he deff likes u" 

Honorary girl:"but what if he dosen't like me like that..."

Clone girl?: "Scott if jimmy KISSED U and said I lOVE U that prob means he loves u GET THAT IN YOUR head, so ask him out when hes not busy"

Honorary girl: "Ok"


This was fun to make so feel free to leave some suggestions in the comments! (are they called comments here or something else? please tell me)

word check: 593

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