Dare to possibly reality?.. (S1)

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6:10am writeing- cus i woke up at that time- and just lay'd in bed and thought of this- XD


At the last meeting, afterwards they all hanged out- cus yes-
And, jimmy got dared to basicly hangout with Scott the whole week by just watching what he does all week- yknow- watching the tasks has to do when he's ruleing Rivendell- like, outside tasks, paperwork, andd tradeing- yknow- all those things-
And jimmy quickly noicted on sunday(cus thats the begening of the week) that Scott started off by- just getting dressed and going out- without eating- so- ofc- jimmy being obliovios- said somthin- like "aren't you going to eat breakfast?" and Scott was like- "oh- yeah-... i should probably eat first-" anddd so- like the whole week at breakfast, lunch and dinner- he'd just be reminding Scott to eat- XD
Andd so- today would be Saterday- end of the week~ >:D


*jimmy's pov*


I woke up, not to Scott waking me up((cus Scott was waking him up cus Scott always would wake up at like 6am- with an alarm set aswell-)) but just to wakeing up- and i glaced at the clock on the wall-

Butt i couldn't read the clock- so i looked at my phone- it was like 8:45am- werid-.. Why didn't he wake me up?.. Tho i than got up- and walked out of the room- and just found Scott downstairs in the kitchen-

Not dressed up like he always was- and just in a hoodie and boxers- and he was making breakfast- i was a bit confused- "..don't you have to go out today?" I mumble asked as i walked up to him,

"Nope- it's saterday- anddd i barely have anything to do on saterdays- only a bit of paperwork and thats it-" Scott shrugged- and counited cooking, "oh-!.. So- what do you do on saterdays?.." i asked

"Well- i eat- and then i go back to my room- and just preen my wings- cus i don't have time to do that any other time on the week-" Scott shrugged- lifting his wings and showing them- tho they looked fine to me-

"But they look fine-.." i mumbled- "heh- well you don't have wings- and the feathers get tangled and bent really easily while flying- and plus dirt and small twigs- tho there not noitceable-" Scott shrugged, tucking his wings to his back as he talked-

"Ohhh-" i hummed- "Yup," Scott said and counited cooking, and i sat down and just watched as Scott cooked "hm, whatcha making?" I asked "just some eggs and bacon." Scott shrugged

"Nice," i hummed, and counited to watch as Scott cooked, and after a bit, he finished cooking and put two eggs on each place, and some bacon aswell, and then he handed me a place and fork, and sat down next to me, and then we both ate,

And Scott got up and started to his room, and so i follow'd, and once he went in his room, he sat down in the middle on a fluffy cyan rug he had, and so i sat down basicly next to him-

And Scott just pulled out his phone and play'd some music-((Which were musicals ofc- andd uh- it was- urm- shit what musical would Scott listen tooooo-!!?)) and than he just started running his hands through

His wings, and plucking out- bent looking feathers- and dirt- he really wasn't kidding- his wings were hiding alot of dirt and small twigs- and after a bit of watching- i got curios and reached out to touch his wing-

And he literally flinched so bad- that he bumped his head on his desk that was beiheind him- and he just rubbed his head slightly while glareing at me- i just looked at the floor- which had quite the bit of white feathers- and small twigs-

"Don't touch my wings without asking-.." Scott mumbled- "...S-SORRy-!!" i mumble shouted- "..it's- fine- just- don't do that again- please-" Scott mumbled- "ok-..." i mumbled softly-

And after a bit- "so-... can i touch your wings or-" i mumble asked- "uhh-.. I don't think you know how to touch wings correctly- soo-" Scott stated- "..theres a correct way?" i asked- tilting my head to the side,

"yeah- like- my wings- and all other bird hybirds wings are senseitive- like- some are barely senseitive to touch- but alot all pretty senseitive to touch- mine is kinda a mix- like- halfway on the senseitive to touch catortory-.." Scott stated-

"Oh-.. well- maybe you can teach me how to touch em right?" i mumbled softly- "i guess i could-.. Urm- just watch for a bit- and than i'll guid you hand through mine untill i think your fine-" Scott mumbled-

-Wheen Scott started guiding jimmy's hands on/through his wings-

Scott after a bit softly grabbed my hand, and Started kind of guiding my hand through his wing- and my cod it was so soft- plus it was glowing a cool red color-!((hehe- jimmy dosen't understand what that means~!!! >X] ))

And Scott stopped and stared at his now glowing wing- and his face just turned so red- "Scott?- you ok- your face is red-!" i stated- and he didn't respond- and after a bit of trying to get him to respond but he wasn't-

He was like all frozen- and looked in shock- i dunno why tho- so i grabbed my phone- and went to the groupchat-


Damaged Cod: yolll!!! Scotts brrr o cin!!

Scary 'Fish' Goddes: jimmy- what did you do?-

Damaged Cod: Scott lleeet mae tuhkh hieis wings- an he brrr o cin nwow!

#Callthedemondaddy: Wait- He let you touch his wings?!

Damaged Cod: ye? Thhair prritty soff- an tha jlow a red coluor!

#Callthedemondaddy:..THEIR GLOWING A RED COLOR?!!!!!!

Damaged Cod: ye-

#Callthedemondaddy: Well no wonder why Scott's 'Broken-'

Damaged Cod: huh?

#Callthedemondaddy: ofc you don't know- uhhh- one sec-

Damaged Cod: o k...?

#Callthedemondaddy: When you touch any bird hybirds wings and if they glow your their soulmate. And urm- i rember one time Scott told me abt this stupid rule of rivendell that he can't get rid of- cus it was like one of the first 10 rules of Rivendell- andd uh- the rule was basicly abt the soulmate thing- andd it basicly gave a time limit to getting married to your soulmate after you found yours- uh- and Scott's time limit is a week cus he's the king of rivendell- so- uh- you two now have to get married within a week-


I typed WAHTT?! And then just dropped my phone in shock- and felt myself start to blush- and looked at Scott- who was still just frozen- and his face being red- "s-so- um- i- um- you probably don't know-" Scott started

"While you were frozen i told the groupchat you were frozen- anddd that your wings were glowing when i touched them- andd then joey told me-..." i mumbled- cutting him off-

"Oh- well- urm-..." Scott mumbled- "..what happens if we don't get married tho..?" i mumbled asked- "uh- we both get killed-.. Doesn't matter if i'm king or not- it's the worst rule that i can't even change-" Scott mumbled-

"Oh...' i mumbled- "so- i say- we just- get it over with- like- just a short little thing- make it offaicl- with no one there- and- then just- rather just not throw somthin to quote in quote 'celerbrate' or we do.. You can choose- i'm fine with either.." Scott mumbled- and paused-


Done at 7:07am- and i didn't know how to counite it- like- i would of if i knew- XD

Word Check: 1237

Post date: 9/24/2023

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