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A groan escaped her lips as she tried to open her eyes. Her head was aching so bad. It felt so heavy. With great difficulty she opened her eyes.

               Looking up she was greeted by a dark ceiling. She frantically looked around only to find herself in a darkroom sitting on a king sized bed.

                     She peeked under the blanket. Her widen when she found herself in a black shirt only. She was not wearing any of her undergarments. 

                 Then only she remembered what happened, the party, that man tried to force himself on her and Aiden . how he killed that man and dragged her. She trembled when she recalled him forcing her in shower. His hand was roaming all over her body.

               Her eyes watered as a sob managed to escape her lips. Now she knows he is not a sane man. He is a physco who is obsessed with her. He can hurt her . No he already did hurt her.

            He wants to control her, ruin her. Elena cannot forget his eyes when he looked at her in that club. They were so dark . He seemed like a demon. No human can have such dark eyes. She was sure his eyes are going to haunt her in her dreams.


            The way he behaved with her like a beast it is going to give her so many nightmares. Although Elena’s mom was strict sometimes,sometimes but she made sure she had everything she needed. She brought up Elena like a princess. Gave her all the love and attention any parent can give his child. She was not used to this harshness Aiden was throwing towards her and this scared her.

               She is afraid of him. 

  One thing she realised was that she is going to escape him. She cannot just submit to him and do nothing. She will fight for herself and for her dreams . She will not let him ruin her.

     With trembling legs she got off the bed and walked towards the door. Twisting the knob she opened the door and was met with silence and darkness. This place was beautiful. 


            Looking around she saw stairs and ran towards them . She had to get out of this place before he found her was the only thing running in her mind.

           Reaching the front door she released a breath she didn’t even know she was holding. Just when she was about to open the door a voice boomed.

          “You are up i see”. It was him she knew. The person behind her misery. The person she hates the most. Her heartbeat quickened as she heard his footsteps nearing her. Her was close. So close that she can fell him behind her. His cologne entered her senses. Goosebumps erupted all over her body as she went stiff.

             “Did I tell you to leave? Hmm ''. he said as he buried his face in the crook of her neck inhaling her scent. A small smile made its way on his lips as he realised she was smelling like him. 

        “Tell me love. Did I ?” Elena was stiff not knowing what to do. It was like her mind was frozen. 

  “I think you didn’t learn your lesson last night. I think you want another punishment.” He said turning her around so she was facing him.

          “No.. no, no.. please don’t hurt me. not again.” . She cried, shaking her head. She can’t take it anymore. He was a beast and last night events were still fresh in her mind. She can’t go through all that again.

            Aiden’s eyes softened as he saw her crying. He knew she was new in his world and last night was too much for her. She is way too fragile and he has to handle her softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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