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You might think that this story is over, Jisung finally stopped seeing Minho and just watched over him from above. However, the damage wasn't at all cleaned up.

Minho still had to meet Hyeji once again, and Hyunjin still had his love problem.

"Where are you going?"

Minho stopped and turned to look at a couch potato, or his friend Hyunjin. "Out."

Hyunjin gave him a 'no shit Sherlock' look. "I meant where. With whom?"

Minho rolled his eyes. "You aren't my mother or father Hyunjin. You've been lying there for about three hours now. Is something wrong?"

Hyunjin looked away, sitting up on the couch. "No. I'm fine."

"Liar." Minho said, sitting next to Hyunjin. "Hyunjin, if something is bothering you, don't hesitate to tell me. No matter what it is, I'll be there for you."

hyunjin sighed, "Yeah, I know. go ahead and go, I have to meet up with someone too." Minho raised a brow, making Hyunjin smile. "it's no big deal. It's just an old friend."

"Okay, then I'll get going."

Hyunjin got up almost right after Minho had closed the door. It's quite strange. For the longest time, he believed he was in love with Lee Minho. But after seeing his old friend, and experiencing some other things, it appears he isn't anymore. However, he couldn't just move on quickly, it would take time for him to start liking someone else. Perhaps start something with his old friend.

Meanwhile, Minho walked alone through the sidewalks of his neighborhood. He was headed towards his father's store to help him out since he had nothing better to do. Lately, however, something felt off in his life, Like something was missing. But he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

After helping his father out, he walked home alone once again, that feeling of missing something- or rather someone, on his mind. Unknowingly, he walked into a store, not even knowing what he wanted to buy. He just looked  around as he walked slowly through the aisles. Towards the end, he jumped back, almost bumping into a short girl who also was walking down the opposite aisle.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Minho apologized.

"No, you're fine, I was also distracted." The girl smiled. "Have we met before?"

"I'm not sure." Now that Minho thought about it, the girl seemed pretty familiar too. "You were the girl from last time, I was pretty drunk that night."

"Yes, that's me. Hyeji Kim. I told that guy to give you my number, guess he never did. I wanted to take you out to lunch as a way to thank you."

That guy? Was someone else with them? Oh yea, Hyunjin. "Oh, he tends to be forgetful sometimes. I can get your number now if you'd like."

"yes, that would be nice."

And so they talked, and Minho didn't feel that strange feeling in him anymore. Perhaps with Hyeji around he'd feel more at ease with himself. Perhaps she is just what he needed.


"Hello, welcome!" The soft voice of the younger was heard in the front as the bell from the door sounded. Hyunjin nodded and sat down at a random table. "Hyunjin, hi. It's been awhile since I've last seen you."

"Yeah, well I've been quite busy with the dance academy. Maybe you should stop by some day."

"I'll check my schedule. Changbin has us working extra hours these days, so i've been pretty busy too."

"Business has been good huh."

"You could say that, he barely lets us have a break. I can't wait for the holidays to end. Then I can have a free summer."

"Sounds tough." Then there was silence.

"Well, will you be ordering anything?"

Hyunjin shook his head. "I just dropped by for a quick visit. I hope to see you at the academy soon, we need more people."

"Sure, I'll drop by" And with that Hyunjin left, letting Jeongin to get back to his work.

Things seemed kind of off between them ever since Hyunjin started leaving Jeongin aside to be next to Minho. He left his best friend for a silly little crush, but he won't make that mistake again. He will be there for the younger whenever he needs him.

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