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"You, are, so, heavy!" Jisung groaned, carrying Minho on his back.

"Maybe you're just weak." Minho slurred.

Jisung glared at Minho, even if he couldn't see him. "Get off, we're at your house."

"Take me inside."

Jisung sighed, going along with what the older said. He layed him on the couch and stretched out.

"This isn't my bed." Minho whined.

"I'm not taking you all the way upstairs. What if your father hears?"

"So?" Minho smirked, bringing Jisung closer by his shirt colar. "It's not like we're doing something illegal."

Jisung felt himself blush again. Lee Minho was way too close. Jisung bit his inner lip. He needed to get away before a mistake occured.

But he couldn't move. His body did that thing it does whenever Minho is with him, and stayed still.

Eventually, Minho started leaning in, and Jisung still couldn't move.

"You have a very handsome and cute face Han Jisung." He whispered.

Jisung gulped dryly. What is he going to do?

And now, Minho's lips laid softly on the youngers. Jisung knew it was wrong. But the feeling of the older soft lips on his, felt good.

He closed his eyes and kissed back. His hands traveled to Minho's waist as the olders hand went around Jisung's neck.

Soon the younger was on top of Minho on the small couch as they kissed. The feeling Jisung felt was good, so good that he forgot just where he was. Only Minho mattered. That is until the male under him let out a small mewl.

That's when he stopped and actually examined his surroundings and what it was he was doing.

"This is wrong." Jisung breathed out.

Minho frowned upon hearing him say that. "What is?"

"This. Me and you. I shouldn't be doing this." Jisung sat up and Minho followed after, so now Jisung straddled the olders lap.

"No, it isn't." Minho said softly, one of his hands was on Jisung's back as the other laid on his lap.

"It is. I shouldn't be doing this." And it was true, he shouldn't. But his body betrayed him yet again and wouldn't move.

"Hey, it's fine. We don't have to if you don't want to. I'm sorry, I just started kissing you. I should've asked you beforehand."

It hurt Jisung to hear Minho blame himself. "No, it isn't your fault, I just- I have to go."

Minho bit his inner lip. He didn't want Jisung to go. His hands went back to hold the sides of the youngers face. He gave him a peck in the lips before resting their foreheads better. "Do you have to?"

Jisung didn't want to answer. He was afraid that if he talked he'd say something else. He sighed. "I do."

And without another word, Jisung left. How was he to face Minho again after that? How was he to face his friends in heaven? And God has most likely found out already.

As he got ready to fly, Jisung felt pain on the area of his wings. He fell down in pain and couldn't fly up.

But the pain was gone soon and he was able to fly up again. He had never felt pain on his back, why now?

He sighed, seeing everyone stare at him. Word in heaven gets around quickly, there are no secrets within the area. That was known.

"Jisung, Jihyo called for you." Felix said softly. He felt bad. Very bad.

Jisung noticed this, he knew Felix. He knew Felix somehow always blamed himself. "Thanks Felix, also, this isn't your fault. It's just mine. You warned me about the consequences yet I was stupid enough to go with it."

Felix nodded, but he still couldn't stop blaming himself.

Jisung couldn't breath properly. He felt himself suffocate as he walked down the hallway and everyone stared at him.

He wanted it to be over. Sana noticed and decided to walk by his side. "Are you okay?" Jisung stayed silent and Sana scoffed. "Of course you aren't, sorry."

"It's fine." Jisung looked down. "I know I did something wrong, but I couldn't help it. My body reacted on it's own, I really couldn't help it." Jisung cried, he was scared. He didn't know what was going to happen.

Sana stopped right in front of God's doors. "Jisung, I understand. Falling in love for someone is something you can't control."

Jisung frowned, "I don't like him." He didn't want to like Lee Minho. "It isn't right nor will that work. I won't fall for someone who I can't have."

Sana smiled softly. "It's normal to think that. You don't want to accept it, and it's fine. But don't say you won't fall for him. It'll only cause you to hurt, you and Minho. Now go in."

Jisung nodded and went in. Jihyo stood there in the presence of God. Since God rarely showed himself to others. Jihyo was the one who showed up instead.

Her gaze wasn't a mad one, no, she was disappointed. Yet there was a sense of understandment. However, it didn't lessen the amount of fear Jisung felt.

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