
414 13 38

TW// cussing, blood, injury (cut), trauma?, pain,

Tommy's POV

I woke up with a bad pain in my leg where I was cut. I sat up, pulling the soft blanket off my leg. I looked and saw red blood peeking through the bandages. The leg of my khakis was rolled up, so I rolled it back down over the leg.

I was still wearing the clothes that I had feel into the river wearing. They were dry, but I was cold.

I stood up, wincing at the pain in my leg. I hesitantly walked towards the closed bedroom door. I quietly pushed it open; it creaking slightly.

I walked out into the hallway. It was quiet. I guess it was early out, because the sun was just slightly peaking through the windows. Or maybe that was the sun setting.

"Mornin'" I heard someone saw from behind me. I flinched, turning around to see Techno. He raised an eyebrow at me. "You're awful jumpy." He pointed out the obvious. "S-Sorry." I bit my lip.

He walked towards me and I held my breath as he passed.

I slowly followed a few feet behind him.

"It's pretty late, you know. You should go back to bed." Techno said. I knew I wasn't falling asleep any time soon, though, as I had just woke up.

He suddenly stopped walking, as did I.

"Is your leg ok?" He asked. I nodded. "It's- It's fine." I swallowed. He looked at me strangely, and I stepped back a few inches. "Come here." He said. I nodded and hesitantly followed him towards the sitting room. He motioned for me to sit, which I did. Not out of obedience, but out of fear. He was acting like he wanted me dead earlier.

He suddenly reached over for my leg. I flinched away and stood back up.

"Don't- Don't touch me." I held my arms tightly against my sides. "Ok, alright, sorry." He held his hands up. He pressed his lips into a thin line, thinking. "Can I check your leg?" He asked. I hesitantly nodded, chewing on my lip.

I sat back down, and he reached back over at my leg. I slightly tensed up as he rolled up my khaki leg, showing the now more bloody bandage.

"Yup. Knew I smelled blood." He said to himself. I blinked a few times. "Smelled...it?" I asked. He nodded. Weird.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." He said, standing.

I sat there for a few moments in silence before I heard someone walking my way. It didn't sound like Techno's hooves though. The hooves sounded smaller, and there was also another set of feet.

I looked up, spotting the two that saved me from my unpleasant demise at the waterfall.

"Oh! Hey! You're up! What're you doing?" The goat one, Tubbo, asked. "Waiting on me." Techno said, coming back into the room. Tubbo nodded.

Techno came over and sat down on the sofa a few feet from me.

"Put your leg up." He said, so I did. He unwrapped the bandage, looking at my cut that was opened up. I grimaced, looking away. I've never liked the sight of blood. "Ah, that's bad." He said.

Tubbo peaked over the back of the couch, looking at me leg.

"Ooh. Gnarly." He laughed under his breath. "Shut the hell up, Tubbo." The tall one, Ranboo, said. Tubbo stuck his tongue out at Ranboo, who did it right back.

"This is gonna sting a bit." Techno said. "Huh?" Was all I got out before he pressed a cloth against my cut that was wet with some chemical medicine. I balled my hands into fists and squeezed my eyes shut, hissing through my teeth.

"A warning would have been nice for him, Tech." Tubbo laughed. "I did warm 'em. I said it was gonna hurt." He replied. Tubbo shrugged.

After a minute or so, my leg was bandaged up again.

"Hey, I was gonna walk Ranboo home! Do you wanna come with?" Tubbo asked. Silence. "Oh- are you talking to me?" I asked. He nodded. "Oh, uhm...sure, I guess." I shrugged.

"Great! We were gonna leave real soon." Tubbo's said. I nodded.

Soon later, they were ready to leave.

Words: 710

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