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TW// flashbacks, crying, screaming, blood, wound, bruises

Phil's POV

I woke up late in the night. I got up to go grab a drink, noticing Wilbur's door was open, and he wasn't there. I walked down the hallway. I opened both Tubbo and Techno's doors. He wasn't there.

I went a little farther and opened Tommy's door. Upon looking, I had to keep myself from verbally "aww"ing. Tommy laid there with his head against Wilbur's chest, with his legs curled up, facing Wilbur, who had a protective arm around Tommy. They were both lightly snoring.

I quietly closed the door back, and left.

Tommy's POV

I opened my eyes and froze when I saw my surroundings.

I was back. Back in my home. My old home. Where my father and I lived. I was in a small, dark room. The empty hall closet. I laid there in a pool of my own blood that seeped from the gaping wound in my stomach. I could feel sharp glass still inside of me.

I searched for my flashlight that I kept hidden within the darkness of the room. When I found it, I flicked it on, now properly seeing the blood that spilled from my stomach with every short, gravely, hoarse breath I took.

It hurt. It hurt so bad. I thought I was pass out from the pain, that was caused by me having to forage for the glass inside of me, and end up bleeding to death.

I found the last piece. It felt big. I got a good enough grip on it with my bloody fingers to pull it out. I screamed in pain as it cut at the inside of my flesh as I pulled it out. Sweat and tears ran down my face.

I felt myself being shook, but nobody was there. Who's shaking me?

As the piece of glass exited my body, I let out another pained, shrill scream, sobbing through my pain. Me head was leaned back on the cold wall. My hands shook. My whole body shook, really.

I felt hands on my shoulders, skating me more, and paining me more. I didn't know who or what it was but I pleaded for it to stop.

"S-Stop! Don't t-touch me, it- it hurts!" I sobbed, pushing on the wound on my stomach, hoping the pressure would help.

"Tommy, wake up! It's a dream! You're ok!" I heard someone say.

Then suddenly the pain stopped. My eyes shot open, and I was back in my bed. Next to Wilbur who had his hands on my shoulders. I looked over, seeing Phil next to me as well. Techno was on one knee in the doorway, looking upwards at Tubbo, keeping him from looking my way.

"I don't know what's wrong, Tubs. Just focus on me." Techno said, holding Tubbo's face.

I lifted up my shirt, looking down to see that my wound was just a scar. It wasn't bleeding. There was no bloody glass lying next to me. I saw Phil's eyes slightly widen as he looked at my scar, bruises, and ribs. I put my shirt back down.

"Wha- What- What happened?" I asked, inhaling sharply. "You we're having a nightmare. You're ok." Wilbur said, wiping the tears from my face with his sleeve. "Just breathe. In," He demonstrated, "and out."

He held my hands, keeping a firm hold on them and making direct eye contact as I calmed down. He held my hands against his chest, probably remembering how the feeling of his heart had calmed me the night before.

"I'm- I'm sorry, I just- I was there. I was back, Wilbur. With father. When this happened." I motioned towards my stomach. "He's not here, you're ok. Your stomach is ok now. You don't have to worry about him." He said. I nodded.

Phil gave Wilbur a confused look.

"The uhm, the two of us had a nice little heart-felt conversation last night. I'll explain later." He said. Phil nodded.

"Are you alright, Tommy?" Tubbo asked. I looked over at him, nodding. He lightly smiled.

"M'k, then. Let's get you some food, yeah?" Wilbur asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I said.

After a while, I had ate something, while Wilbur explained to Phil and Techno and Tubbo everything about our conversation the night prior.

Before I ate, Techno warmed me not to eat too quickly, because when you're starving to death, if you eat quickly, you'll just immediately throw it all up.

The food tasted amazing. It was fresh. Not rotten. Or, maybe it was shit, and I just didn't realize because of the hunger clawing at my ribs.

Words: 780

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