
400 11 31

TW// cussing, arguing?, trauma?

Tommy's POV

I silently trailed behind the two, out the front door. I'm not too sure why they invited me along, but, I guess some fresh air would be nice.

As we stepped outside, I saw how beautiful everything was. I had never seen anything like it. Pretty, bright, green bushes and trees. And there were thousands of yellow shining bugs everywhere.

There was a path of steps made from stone leading up a hill. Tubbo and Ranboo headed up it, so I followed.

I looked around everywhere, admiring the beauty of nature

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I looked around everywhere, admiring the beauty of nature. The forest didn't look anything like this back where I live...lived?

Ranboo glanced back at me. He tapped on Tubbo's shoulder and then pointed to me, but I was too in-the-zone to pay much attention. I kept walking up the path, them now behind me, following me.

I walked some, spotting some flowers. They were real beautiful flowers. I had read a book on flowers once. I think these ones were called a Perennial Lilies. One was a pretty mixture of bright blue, bright pink, purple, and some white. The other was black and bright orange, and reminded me of lava.

The flowers glowed in the dark.

The flowers glowed in the dark

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"Those are pretty." Ranboo said. I nodded, smiling. "I like the blue and purple ones the best." He said. "I like the other ones. Looks like lava." I replied.

Everything was so bright and colorful. I couldn't imagine how bright green the greenery looked when the sun was shining.

I continued to walk down the path, admiring the long vines that hung from the trees branches, the soft looking grass, the bugs, the course dirt under my feet, everything was just so perfect. Maybe I could get used to this. Of course, it may take a little time getting used to the whole half people half animals.

"Where was Phil when we were leaving?" I heard Ranboo ask Tubbo. I slightly listened to their conversation as we walked. I had let them back in front of me, as I had no clue where we were going. "He went out. I think we needed bread or something so he went to the shops."

"You guys have shops?" I asked. They glanced back at me, confused. "Yes? Where else would we get our things?" Tubbo laughed. I shrugged, not wanting to admit the fact that I figured they hunted and made their stuff from scratch like this was the fucking Stone Age.

I heard voices and I saw lights in a clearing up ahead. I noticed a stone road, with two sidewalks on either side, lined with shops and other things. Sure, they weren't like the ones we have back home, but they were indeed shops. These were just more earthy looking, if that makes sense.

"Wh-What if someone sees me? I'm- I'm a human. What if some of them are like Techno? Will they try to harm me?" I asked. "I mean, I doubt any of them have ever seen a human before, so, they may flip out? I dunno." Tubbo said. "I can walk home by myself if you wanna take him back to your house so nobody sees him." Ranboo said.

We sat there in silence for a moment.

"Ooh! Here!" Ranboo said, taking off his hoodie thing. "Wear this with the hood up. Nobody'll notice if you're really that worried about it." He said, handing it to me. "Uhm...thanks."

It looked hand-made. Like he sewed it himself. Looked like he got some white and some black cloth, sewed them together for the main part, and used the scraps to do the same thing for a hood and attached it onto the back. The hood had two floppy, stuffed ears sewed to it, similar to Ranboo's actual ears.

I pulled the hood over my head. It was quite big, considering how small I am.

"Alright, let's go." Tubbo said, trotting away. With every skip he made, the sound of his hooves echoed on the stone sidewalks.

As we walked, I noticed a few people looking my way, obviously not recognizing me. It was a small town. Small enough for everyone to know each other like friends, so I'm sure they were confused when they saw a face they didn't recognize.

"Tubbo? Ranboo?" A heard Phil ask from behind us. We turned around, and I looked up at Phil, peaking out from behind the hood that fell over my eyes. "And Tommy?! Wha- What are you doing here?" Phil asked, reaching for me. I stepped back, holding my breath.

"Tubbo, did you bring him?" Phil asked. "Yeah? I mean, he could have used the fresh air, and I'm sure his leg needed to move around some, so I invited him to walk Ranboo home with me." Tubbo replied.

"Tubbo, what if someone sees him?" Phil asked. "What? Are you ashamed of someone seeing him? Are you ashamed of him in general? Are you worried people will look at you badly if they know you're housing a human?" Tubbo scoffed.

I looked down at the ground, chewing my lip, as if it didn't have enough scaring from me doing that my whole life.

"Tubbo, you know thats not it. And don't talk to me like that, I'm your father. I'm not worried about my reputation, I'm worried for Tommy's safety. Everyone who lives here are amazing people but we don't know how they all feel about humans. Tina could have an ongoing desire to kill humans for all we know, and she's a lovely person!" Phil said.

I heard Tubbo sigh.

"I'll go home myself. You three can head back home." Ranboo said. "Are you sure?" Tubbo asked. "Mhm. I'll be fine. Tommy, you can keep that for now. I'll get it back next time I go over." He said. I nodded, and then he left.

Phil exhaled.

"Let's go." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder. My breath hitched, and he let go.

It was awkward silent as we started to walk.

Words: 1,015

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