𝑇𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑡 𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡

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TW// cussing, talk of abuse, talk of su!c!de and depression, going missing mentions, crying, talk of being starved, death mentions

Tommy's POV
one week later

I figured, everyone already knows I exist, so why hide in Phil's house anymore? The six of us; me, Tubbo, Ranboo, Phil, Techno, and Wilbur; all went out to town together. I was nervous but didn't wanna stay alone at the house.

I got many looks from people, but one person stood out. The guy, Dream, whom I had bumped into a week ago. He spotted me just as I spotted him. I shrugged him off, and continued with the day.

I was sat outside on a bench as I waited for the five to come out of a shop. I hadn't gone in because I wanted to be alone for a minute. I felt the presence of someone sitting down next to me. I looked over, seeing the Dream guy.

I cleared my throat and sat on my hands, not wanting to make eye contact.

"What's your name?" He asked. "Uhm...T-Tommy." I swallowed. "I'm gonna assume you already know my name?" I nodded. "How'd you get here?" He asked. "I uh, fell down a waterfall." I answered. "And lived?" "Yes. Tubbo and Ranboo saved me. I would have drowned."

It was silent for another while.

"You look familiar. Where did you live? And what's your full name?" He asked. "I lived in uh, a place in England. Not too sure where exactly." I said. He nodded. "And your name?" "It's uhm, well I go by Tommy but my actual name is Tom Simons."

He turned in his seat, facing me. I looked up at him.

"Did...Did you have a brother, by any chance? A big brother?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes, I-I did. How- How do you know that? He went missing when I was seven." I said, confused. "How old was he?" "Uhm...in his teens. Maybe...fourteen or fifteen? I'm not sure."

I saw a tear pricking at the corner of his eye.

"T-Tom, is- is that you? My Tom?" He asked.

That's why his eyes looked like my fathers. Because they basically are my fathers.

"You're not- no, that's not possible." I said, standing up. He stood too. "You can't be him. He's dead. He went missing when we were hiking, he-...that lady found you on a mountain." I stared at the ground in shock.

"You're...Clay?" I asked. A light bulb seemed to go off in his head. "Yes! I-I am! That is my name!" He said.

"My Clay?" Tears welled in my eyes. He stooped down, as he's quite taller than me, and engulfed me in a hug. "I knew it! I knew it was you! I knew that first second I saw you a week ago!" He squeezed me.

I slowly wrapped my arms around him, gripping his shirt in my fists, letting my tears fall onto his shoulder. I heard the bell ping, signaling the shops door had been opened, but paid no attention to it.

"I thought you were dead, Clay! We all did! I've needed you so bad..." My shoulders shook with every cry that escaped my mouth.

"Tommy?" I heard Phil ask. I looked over, spotting the five of them standing there. "What's...going on?" He asked. I looked up at Dream...Clay? and smiled. "This is Clay, my big brother." I said, looking back over at Phil.

"Brother? What? How?" Wilbur asked. "He went missing when I was seven and he's been here ever since!" I said, hugging him. Wilbur nodded, a small smile on his face. "Hey, you two better start tolerating each other now." Techno nudged Wilbur with his elbow. Wilbur lightly chuckled. "Yeah, yeah." He said.

"You look so cool with your ears and wings." I said in awe. Clay giggled. "Why thank you!" He smiled.

He thought for a moment before gasping.

"How's mom and dad? Are they doing ok? How's it been without me there?" He asked. I froze up, chewing on my lip. I looked over at the five. They looked like they didn't know what to say either. "What? Everything's ok, right?"

I slightly shook my head. He tilted his head to the side, confused and worried.

"After you uhm- after you disappeared, mum got really depressed and she- she offed herself..." I hesitantly admitted. "O-Oh...I- did she actually?" Clay asked. I nodded. He sat back down, covering his mouth. I sat beside of him, the five now behind us, listening.

"I found her. Little me thought she was sleeping at first." I dryly laughed. "Thats was, until I saw the blood...and the knife." I added. "I'm so sorry you had to find her. You we're seven when this happened?" He asked. I nodded.

He pulled me into a hug, patting my back.

"How did dad take it? I'm sure he was awful upset." Clay said. I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Well...father didn't exactly take it very lightly on me." I said. "What- What do you mean? And 'father?' What happened to 'papa,' huh?" He asked.

"I think he blamed me. Through his grief, he sort of took his sadness out on me, thinking I could have helped her or something if I had gotten there sooner. And yes, father. He doesn't let me call him anything other than that anymore." I said. "Oh, he doesn't?" Clay asked. I nodded. "And what do you mean 'took his sadness out on you?' What did he do?"

I sighed.

"He hits me." I said quietly. "He...what..?" "He hits me. And he yells a lot, too. And starves me. Or, I guess; hit, yelled, and starved, since I'm not there anymore." I bit the inside of my lip.

"That- That...bastard!" Clay slammed his fist against the bench, ratting it. I jumped slightly. "How could he? You're his son for fucks sakes! And what's a seven year old gonna do to save his dying mom?" He scoffed. I shrugged.

He exhaled, cooling his anger.

"I'm just glad your away from him now." He said. I chuckled. "Yeah, me too."

Suddenly, I got a sharp headache and my ears rang loudly. I covered my ears, squeezing my eyes shut, leaning forward as I hissed through my teeth. Then, just as quick as it stared, it stopped.

"You ok, Tom?" Clay asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm- I'm ok. Just a weird headache." I said, blinking a few times. He got a strange look on his face, and looked back at the five behind us. I then remember how Tubbo said Clay got headaches before he changed, and I got nervous.

I quickly tried to get my mind off of that.

"By the way, Clay." I said. "Uh...yes?" He hesitantly asked. "Don't call me Tom. Only father called me that and it reminds me of him when I'm called that. Just call me Tommy." I said. He nodded. "Sure, yeah! I'll do that." He said.

I smiled.


"No problem, little man."

Words: 1,190

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑜𝑦 𝑊ℎ𝑜 𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙 |  𝑇𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now