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TW// none?

Dream/Clay's POV

Puffy went home, and I told her that I may stay over at their house and not be home later. I walked Tommy through the empty streets to the forest. He clung to my side, gripping my shirt. I had forgotten that he was afraid of the dark until now. I wrapped my arm around him, and he relaxed.

I saw the lights of the sitting room on in the house as we approached.

"What are they still doing up?" I asked nobody in particular. "Waiting on me, maybe?" Tommy suggested. "Maybe. Puffy said that you might have not woken up until tomorrow, though, so staying up wouldn't have done them any good." I said. He shrugged.

We asked up the porch, and I went to knock on the door, but Tommy stopped me.

"What if they think I'm ugly or weird?" He asked. "First of all, they love you. They won't think that. Second, if they do, you can come home with me and live with Puffy and I." I said. He nodded.

I knocked at the door, and Tommy slightly stepped behind me.

The door opened, and there stood a tired looking Phil.

"Dream, how's Tommy?" He asked. "He's great! He's right here, act-" I paused, noticing he was no longer behind me. "Tommy?" I asked. I peaked around the side of the house, seeing Tommy standing there.

"Tommy, what're you doing?" I asked. "They're gonna think I'm weird." He said. "No, they won't, Tommy. They won't think you're weird." I said. I looked over at Phil, seeing how saddened he looked by Tommy's statement.

"Tommy, mate, we won't think that." Phil said. "Come on, Tommy." I reached my hand out for him.

He hesitantly grabbed my hand and stepped back into the porch.

Phil's POV

Tommy stepped onto the porch and I gasped.

"Ahh! Look at you! You're so cute!" I squealed. I saw his face turn slight red as he got slightly embarrassed. "I hadn't got a good look at you yet!" I said. He lightly smiled.

"Come on, everyone is so worried for you." I said.

He stepped into the house, and Dream followed behind him, closing the door.

"They're all in the kitchen." I said. "Ranboo is still here, too. He wanted to stay for you."

"Wait right here." I said. I walked into the kitchen and whispered.

"Hey!" I said in a hushed voice. Everyone looked up at me. "Tommy's here, but he's nervous, ok? He's afraid we'll think he looks weird because of how he changed. Trust me, he's fucking adorable, though. And he's perfectly fine now. Not in pain or anything." I said.

I stepped back out.

"Come on." I smiled.

Tommy's POV

Clay nudged me into the kitchen. I looked nervously at everyone. Tubbo gasped.

"You're a raccoon!" He squealed. "Look at youuu! I love it!" He bounced. "And we both have horns now! We're matching!"

I giggled. Everyone else had positive looks on their faces, so I hopefully assumed that they didn't think I was weird.

"Question, though, how is your second animal, well, not an animal?" Ranboo asked. I shrugged. "Puffy is trying to figure that out." Clay said. "I think she's asking Nikki, too."

It was silent for a moment.

"Did you kill my father, Techno?" I suddenly asked. "Uhhh..." He trailed off. "Is that a yes? I don't care if you did, you can tell me." I said. Techno exhaled. "Let's just say, you don't have to worry about him anymore." He said. "So...you did kill him?" I asked. Techno shrugged. "Ok, then."

I suddenly felt a pair of arms around me. I looked over, seeing Wilbur.

"I'm so glad you're ok." He whispered. I smiled. "Thanks, Wil." I patted his back. I looked over and saw Clay draw a heart out in the air with his pointer fingers, sticking his bottom lip out. I stuck my tongue out at him and went back to lying my head on Wilbur's shoulder.

Soon after, I was awful tired, so I went to bed again.

Words: 685

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