Chapter 6: December 13th

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Emma woke up in a wonderful mood. Not even the sound of her annoyingly loud alarm could ruin it. She couldn't help but smile giddily as she recalled her messages with Regina. She had a date with Regina freaking Mills. The blonde didn't know how she got so lucky, but she was determined to make the brunette happy. Emma grabbed her phone off the nightstand and shot Ruby a text, informing her of her upcoming date.

'she asked me on a d8.'


'tmrw. :)'

'Oh my god! XD'

'You should let us come over after school then.'

'Y? wut does that have to do w the date?'

'Nothing. I just want to come over.'

'Okay. LOL'

'henrys gonna be over the moon'

Emma set her phone back down and climbed out of bed to get ready for her long day. She was excited to see Regina, even if it was in a more casual setting. As far as Emma was concerned, any time spent with Regina was time well spent.

She got both her and Henry ready in record time. After he was informed of the upcoming hangout, he didn't fuss over anything.

As usual, the second they were across the parking lot and on the school's sidewalk, Henry dashed over to Mary's class.

While Emma's day had just started, she was already incredibly eager for the day to be over so that she could see Regina and Ruby. Throughout the day, Emma kept glancing at the clock, desperately trying to make the clock move faster. Unfortunately for her, in true universal fashion, her day dragged on until the point of insanity. She was on the verge of exploding when the sound of the school bell finally rang throughout the class.

She all but skipped over to the door to release her students to their parents. One by one her students were dismissed as their parents came forth. When her class was empty, save for Henry, Emma went back over to her desk where she graded papers while she waited for Regina and Ruby to arrive.

"It's so far back, oh my god. I thought I was going to go blind the way the lights were reflecting off her forehead."

Emma and Henry both looked up when they heard the familiar voice, a smile reflecting on Emma's face knowing exactly who they were talking about. The school had a crabby secretary that was the face of the office. She had a massive receding hairline, constantly reeked of booze, and had deep frown lines despite her being only mildly older than Emma.

"Hi guys!" Emma got up and made her way to the back counter where the women were now setting up their supplies to paint her back wall and gave them a quick hug. Her hug with Regina lasted a little longer than Emma knew it should have, but she couldn't help it. The warmth the brunette had provided coupled with how amazing her hair smelled made it difficult for Emma to let go.

A (Deaf) Christmas to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now