Chapter 12: December 22nd

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"Mommy. Wake up."


"Wake up."

"Go away. I'm sleeping."

"But it's eleven."

"WHAT?!" Emma shot right up out of bed, almost dropping to the floor, her legs clearly still in rest mode.


"Oh my god. Have you eaten?" Emma's hands found the side of her sons as she examined him for possible injuries that may have been inflicted during his unsupervised playtime. She let out a sigh of relief and pressed his head into her stomach, running her fingers through his hair before she released him.


"Why didn't you wake me up sooner Hen?"

"I did. Twice." He stuck two fingers up in her face and she shooed them away with a smile.

"Jesus. I was more tired than I thought I was huh."

"I guess."

"That was a rhetorical question."

"What's that?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"


"Oh kid. You're gonna kill me."

"What do you want? Imma make lunch."

"Chicken nuggets?" He yelled excitedly.

"Chicken nuggets it is."

"What did you do while I was sleeping, Henry?"

"I just played Roblox with Robyn."

"What time did you wake up?"


"You've been playing Roblox with Robyn since six?"


"Oh God Henry. You know you can't play that early."

"But I slept like all day yesterday."

"Fine. But not again. I don't want any angry phone calls from her mother because you guys are playing at six in the morning."


After Emma finished making chicken nuggets she set the plate in front of Henry and paired the meal with some string cheese, grapes, and some apple juice. While he ate lunch Emma took a quick shower, peeling yesterday's dirty clothes from skin.

A (Deaf) Christmas to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now