Prologue: The Day My World Ended

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It was a rainy, gloomy afternoon and I was by my sister's locker waiting for her. As I waited for her, I watched students run in the hallway screaming; it was the last day of school...meaning that it was officially the start of summer. This meant that this was our last day as Sophomore's. While I was watching some of my classmates trash the hallway, I finally heard my sister, Drea's, voice.


I turned my head to where her voice was coming from and smiled. Drea and I are twins, but fraternal; I look more like our mother and she looks more like our father. Some people don't believe us when we tell them that we're twins, because we look so different. Then again, a lot of the people I go to school with are imbecile's. When they think of twins, they think of identical twins. As I watched Drea and her friend, Tyesha, walk closer to where I was, I froze and felt a sudden chill go down my spine. Whenever I have that feeling, it usually meant that something bad was about to happen. My parents never understood how I was able to predict "doom"....but it was some strange ability that I developed when I was a child.


I snapped out of the trance I was in and met my sister's brown eyes that were now staring at me concerned.

"Something bad is about to happen?" She asked in a worried tone.

I just nodded my head and frowned. The thing about my ability is that I know when something bad is about to happen, but I never know who will be chosen. It was like when I was little, I had that feeling and three days later, my grandfather died. My frown deepened as I was trying to process the feeling.

"I hope it's no one we know." I whisper for only my sister to hear.

The both of us just stood there staring at each other, forgetting that Tyesha was there. She stood there looking at me then my sister with a confused look.

"Sometimes I wish I knew what the hell the both of y'all are talking about..." She said in a somewhat annoyed tone.

Drea and I looked at her with blank expressions.

"Uh it's nothing Ty. Go get your bag and meet me by my car. I'll drop you home." Drea said with her signature fake smile.

Tyesha just nodded and walked away. Drea then opened up her locker and got her items and we walked out the school.


After we dropped Tyesha home, I couldn't help but feel like something terrible was going to happen soon. When we finally got home, I got another chill run down my spine. I looked towards the door to our house and froze; it was wide open. Both of my parent's cars were in the park lot which meant they were home. They NEVER left the door open. Fear instantly shot through my stomach and I quickly jumped out of the car and ran inside. The house was a mess. As I walked through the mess that was by the entrance, that's when I saw the first body. My mother's.

My body got cold as I saw my mother laying on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding her lifeless body. Her eyes were open and she was staring up at the ceiling. I finally was able to rip my gaze from her body and noticed the body that wasn't too far from her's. It was my father's....

He was facedown on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding his body as well. Seeing my parent's lifeless bodies cause me to hyperventilate. I felt my heart racing, my breathing was ragged, and I started getting dizzy.

"Dali what's wrong?" I heard Drea's voice behind me.

As she got closer to the what I was staring at, she let out a loud shriek.

"MOMM! DAD! OH MY GOD NOO...PLEASE GOD NO! NOO!" She screamed as she ran to their limp bodies.

I didn't remember what happened after because everything went black.

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