Dreamtale Brothers x Gn!Reader

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Thanks for the request! I wasn't sure if you meant Reader to be a sibling to Dream and Nightmare, so I tried my best to leave it up for your interpretation.

(b/g) - board game

Word count: 1447

Dream and Nightmare Belong to Joku
Ink Belongs to Comyet
Error belongs to loverofpiggies


Today was the New Year! That means a chaotic day for Dream and Nightmare. For this day, they decided to put their differences and rivalry aside and celebrate together, as good brothers should. With (Y/N).

The two had spent the evening before today and the whole morning preparing and getting everything ready. They had made a lot of delicious food and bought snacks, picked out some movies and games, and laid down a few mattresses with fluffy warm blankets and pillows so they could all have a sleepover on the living room floor. They had even hung up decorations fitting for the event. 

Now they were just waiting for (Y/N). The brothers had sat on the couch busying themselves with whatever was playing on the TV.  Though, the more time that passed made Dream anxious, which Nightmare sensed.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked. Dream flinched and looked down, fidgeting with his hands.

"I'm just worried, I know It's just been a couple of minutes since the scheduled meeting time, but..." Dream answered. Despite being optimistic most of the time, Dream felt as though something really was wrong and it made him uneasy.

Nightmare glanced at him and then at the clock on the wall next to him. It had been about 7 minutes since (Y/N) was supposed to show up. Nightmare also couldn't help but be slightly worried as well.

"Let's wait a bit more. I'm sure they'll show up, they probably just got caught in the snow or something." Nightmare attempted to reassure his brother. Dream sighed and nodded bringing eyelights back onto the TV.

'Caught in the snow'. This claim could very well be correct since, while (Y/N) could teleport through the AUs, their accuracy wasn't the greatest. Often times they tended to stray a few or more meters away from where they were supposed to end up at. 

30 more minutes pass and the duo are sure something's happened now. Even if (Y/N) had teleported uncharacteristically far it wouldn't have taken them this long to arrive.

Dream had been checking his phone about every 40 seconds or so, desperately hoping to see a text from (Y/N) explaining their situation, yet there was nothing.

"I'll call them," Dream said and unlocked his phone, pressing (Y/N)'s profile as Nightmare watched. Dream put the phone on speaker and waited for them to answer.

Nobody picked up.

The brothers were definitely worried now. 

"M-maybe Ink or Blue knows.." Dream hoped and decided to call them as well.

"I'm going to go look for them. Update me if you know something." Nightmare sighed and stood up. Dream nodded at him and looked back to his phone, scrolling to find Ink's contact.

Dream pressed call and waited for an answer. Yet again, no one picked up. It's not like it was unusual for Ink to not pick up, he often forgot his phone somewhere.

"Damn it Ink, why now?" He mumbled to himself, growing annoyed at the lack of responses.

Meanwhile, Nightmare was trying to find you in AUs that were nearby the AU where he and Dream had rented out a house for the New Year's, which was in an Outertale pacifist timeline. He was growing more and more frustrated with the lack of your presence. 

AU! Sanses x Reader Oneshots! (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now