Horror x gn! Reader

191 7 4

Requested by: @RandomThingsOfMine 
Thank you so much for requesting, sorry it was so late <3

Word Count: 1161


You hummed to yourself as you carefully prepared breakfast for your partner. You were making eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, his favorite juice, some oatmeal, and some fruit. You made sure to make a bit more than you would make for anyone else because of Horror's wild appetite.  You had made sure to wake up earlier than usual and somehow managed to wiggle yourself out of bed without waking him. You had hoped he wouldn't wake up from the smell of food as well.

As you finished dropping the last pancake from the pan onto one of the plates and turned the stove off. You arranged all the plates into a smart order on a tray. You then took out a tall glass and poured some of the homemade juice into it and placed the glass on the tray as well. You then picked up the tray and carefully walked to your shared bedroom.

Once you got there, you opened the door with your foot. You left it slightly open so you wouldn't have to struggle with the tray in your hands. You stepped in and placed the tray onto the empty bedside table on Horror's side of the bed. 

"Horror~ Wake up my dear." You placed one of your hands on his shoulder and the other on his arm and shook him a bit. He groaned slightly and opened his eyes to look at you. "Good morning." You greeted.

"Hmmh, mornin'." He breathed out and sunk himself deeper into the pillows and blankets. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath in and he suddenly realized the aggressive smell of all the food you had made that was so close. "What's that?" He asked.

"Here sit up Horror." You urge.

Once he's sat up against the headboard, you place the tray on his lap. His face lights up and he looks up at you after observing the tray. "You... made all of this for me?" He asks in disbelief. 

"Mhm." You nod. "Taste it." 

He takes the fork and knife laid on the tray and cuts into one of the pancakes, stabbing a piece with his fork he lifts it up to his mouth and chews. He makes a small sound of enjoyment. After swallowing he looks at you. "It's delicious!" He smiles. "What's the occasion?"

"Occasion? There's no occasion." You laugh. "I've seen how hard you've been working lately and decided to reward you, that's all." 

It was so unbelievable to Horror that someone could do something sweet out of the kindness of their heart- especially towards him. He was so used to having to be weary of everyone in the underground. He didn't realize that he was tearing up until he felt your warm hand on his cheek, carefully wiping under his eye sockets.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, (Y/N)." He hugs you, making sure the tray doesn't fall off his lap.

The next morning

Horror was in the kitchen currently. He wanted to repay you by also making breakfast in bed. And to say it was not going well was an understatement. It had only been a few weeks or so since the monsters got freed from the underground, and Horror had no idea how to cook yet! He was too busy learning all the more needed essentials. He didn't need to cook for himself since you were there. He had watched you make dinner sometimes, but he never paid too much attention to that, more interested in hearing about your day or something interesting about the surface. 

The first problem was finding where everything was, which didn't take too long, fortunately. The next issue, he didn't know how to use the stove. He knew it operated from the spinning knobs right above the oven, but he didn't quite understand it. Quickly, he figured out which knob turned which stove on, since the tiny images were easy to understand. The numbers, however... He guessed it was either duration or heat. He thought about the bonfires he and Papyrus sometimes lit up in the underground to rarely roast or boil something when they needed (which was rare and it was mostly water that they boiled). Since there was no way to change the temperature of fire that he knew of, he decided to go with the guess that it meant duration.

The third problem, he didn't know what he was supposed to do with the ingredients. He understood the very basics from watching you cook, like cracking eggs and making sure no shells get in, how to boil water, and that sometimes you had to use measuring cups to get the right amount instead of guessing. But what was he supposed to measure? He had never seen you measure eggs. He had seen you measuring flour and liquids. Right! Flour and liquids. Usually, you measured milk. He was sure that would make some kind of dough that he could grill on the pan.

He decided to first make the eggs. He searched for a pan and laid it on the stove, not turning it on just yet. He then decided to take out a bowl to crack the eggs in, wanting to make sure no shells got in at all. He cracked two eggs as carefully as he could, though a few pieces of the shell still got in. He picked them out with his phalanges. He then took the bacon out of the fridge and turned the stove on, then dropped in the eggs and laid the bacon next to it.

This disaster continued for about an hour, before you woke up to the strong fetid smell of...You couldn't even tell. You quickly got out of bed and hurriedly walked to the kitchen, where you saw Horror running around, seemingly overstimulated by all the tasks he had to do at once. "...Horror...What are you doing?" You cautiously asked. His head shot towards you and he nervously placed his hands behind his back. 

"I'm sorry" He looks down. "I wanted'ta...return the favor. But as you can see, heh, it...didn't work out as planned." 

You chuckled. "It's fine, Horror. I appreciate it. Now, let's clean this up and make an..edible breakfast. I'll have to teach you how to cook, huh?" You walked up to him and placed your hands on his shoulders comfortingly. He nodded and hugged you tight.

You seriously wondered how Horror made such a mess from just ingredients. There were all kinds of mystery substances with unnatural color on the countertops and fully black...bacon? You weren't sure what it was but it made you wonder if Horror fell asleep while cooking.  It took about 40 minutes to get everything clean, but neither of you minded since you were together. Then, after cleaning, you made a breakfast that wouldn't kill you the second you took a bite. You even had Horror help you with supervision.

Breakfast that day was extra delicious for some reason. Maybe it was the love you had for each other soaking into the food.

Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios

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