Swap!Dream x Pregnant! Fem!Reader

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Thanks for the request! I'm so sorry this took so long, I'm pretty uneducated on swap!Dream and was trying my best to find information about him haha, sorry if he's (very) out of character. School started as well so I had to get myself together teehee.

Slight angst to fluff.
Reader is shorter than Swad

Word count: 1423


(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up at 6 am because of Swad's alarm went off right next to my ear. I groaned and opened my eyes to see his hand reaching over me and him tapping around the sheets to find his phone to shut the alarm, eventually succeeding. I turned around so that I could face him better. "Do you have to go already?" I whined and clung to him tightly, wishing to just stay in bed with him for even a few more minutes.

"Yes, I do." He answered and pat my head and tried to sit up, though I still had my arms wrapped around him and he didn't want to force himself off of me. "Please, (Y/N), I have work." He sighed but smiled at me.

"But why? Can't you just call in sick or something, the bed's cold without you! Please, loveee." I begged and tightened my hold on him. 

"You know I can't. Now let go, unless you want me to work overtime." He teased. I frowned and slowly loosened my hold, watching him sit up and go change his clothes along with whatever else he does during the mornings.

I grabbed my phone and shifted into a more comfortable position. I browsed through my social media to see if anything interesting had happened while I was asleep, and once that got boring I decided to put on some (show/video/movie) to watch on my phone.

Swad came back to the room I was in about 10 minutes later and walked over. "I'm leaving now, honey. I left some breakfast for you on the table." He kissed my cheek. I smiled at him. 

"Oh okay, thanks! Bye love, have a good day at work." I gave him a quick hug before he left then turned my attention back to my phone.

After some time I decided to finally start the day and began my morning routine. And that starts in the kitchen. I arose from bed, shut my phone, and walked out of our bedroom. I could already smell the aroma of breakfast when I opened the door and hurriedly walked over to it. Just like Swad said he had left my favorite breakfast items on the dining table. I grabbed some and started eating, looking out of the window to see the sunrise in the distance.

After I had finished my breakfast, I decided to go to the bathroom. I set my dirty dishes in the sink and started the journey.

Once there, I went to pee, when suddenly I noticed a box on the sink table. It was a pregnancy test. I always kept some around for emergencies. Looking at it today made me feel nervous for some reason. I hadn't gotten your monthly regularly for a while now, though I just assumed it was late. It wasn't like I and Swad had practiced any intercourse for a while now, but something in my soul just screamed at me to take the test, and so I did.

2nd Person POV:

Grabbing the box you read the instructions carefully before opening it, then proceeded to sit down and take the test. Once finished, you held your breath and set the stick aside deciding to brush your teeth (and showering if you shower in the mornings) while waiting for the results to come. 

After what felt like an agonizing wait the stick had finished whatever it did to figure out the truth, and you weren't happy, to say the least. You rushed back to the bedroom, leaving the stick on the bathroom counter, and picked up your phone calling Swad in panic. You could feel your heart pumping faster and your mind growing more anxious with each ring while waiting for Swad to pick up. Tears flooded to the corners of your eyes, though you wiped them away, trying to make yourself feel better.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong? You don't usually call me during work, especially this early." You heard his voice through the speaker.

You took a deep shaky breath before answering "I'm pregnant.." Saying it out loud only made you feel worse about the situation.

There was a moment of silence before Swad responded, you could practically hear him freeze through the phone. "...What? Are you serious? Because it's not funny-" 

"I am serious! W-what do I do?" You cut him off.

"Just wait for me to come back. We'll figure it out then." He hung up, clearly busy.

You lowered the phone from your ear and dropped down on the bed shoving your face into one of the pillows. You couldn't help but feel offended that Swad didn't even bother to come home even just to drop by and see if you were alright when something so serious was going on. You knew that his job was really important, but was it really this important? That he couldn't even come for a few minutes to reassure you that you were going to be fine? He couldn't even say it over the phone.

You turned your head to the side to breathe and felt tears pooling up again. You didn't bother to wipe them. 

You weren't ready to be a mother yet. You weren't even ready to carry the child. It was just such a shock to you. You really weren't expecting to be pregnant. How long had you been pregnant exactly? It couldn't have been too long considering how your stomach hadn't grown almost at all from what you could tell. You shut your eyes and took deep breaths trying to calm yourself down enough that you could actually wait for Swad to come home. There was still a few hours left of his shift since it hadn't been much over an hour since he left.

You decided to calm your nerves and try to forget about the situation until Swad came back home. You reached for your phone again, unlocking it, and making your way to a (preferred video platform). 

A few hours later

The sound of the front door opening and closing woke you up from your unintended nap. You sat up just as Swad made his way through the bedroom door, carefully shuffling to sit next to you. You were still mad that he didn't come back earlier but you decided to put your grudge aside for now, instead focusing on what's more important right now. The baby growing inside you.

You turned to look at him, he was staring at the wall in front of you, seemingly lost in thought. "So..? What are we going to do?" you asked.

He stayed silent for a while, before responding. "Are you sure It's mine?" His eyelights turned to finally look back at you.

"Yes, I am. You're the only person I've done things with." You reassured though he didn't look as convinced. "Seriously! What's got you so insecure about this? Don't you trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, I just wanted to make sure." He looked away again. "Well, It's your body. Do what you want."

"Swad, I don't know. Can you please give your... opinion on what's happening?" You fidgeted with your hands.

"...I wouldn't mind keeping it. But, I don't think we'd have enough time for it." He voiced.

You shifted a bit and thought about it for a while. What did you want to do?

(If you don't want to keep it:)

"I don't want to do this." You finally made up your mind. "I'm not ready." You looked up at him.

"Alright. We don't have to." He took your hand in his and gently patted it. "I'll call up an appointment to have a doctor look at it right away." He let go and stood up, grabbing his phone he walked out of the room.

You smiled. You were so glad to have an understanding boyfriend like him, even If he didn't always make the best decisions.

In the end, you got an abortion and Swad was there beside you through it.

(If you want to keep it:)

"I want to keep it." You finally made up your mind. "I think we can do it." You looked up at him.

"Alright. I'll try to be a good father figure." He took your hand in his and gently patted it. "I'll call up an appointment to have a doctor look at it right away." He let go and stood up, grabbing his phone he walked out of the room.

You were fortunate to have Swad as your boyfriend. You knew he was trying hard for you.

In the end, your pregnancy went well and you birthed a healthy child, with Swad on your side. Swad wasn't the best dad, but he was really trying!

AU! Sanses x Reader Oneshots! (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now