Star Sanses x Gn! Reader

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Part 1? 

Word count: 1240

Ink belongs to Comyet
Dream belongs to Joku
Swap belongs to the AU community


You were currently waiting for Ink at the Doodle Sphere. You had promised him you would stop by and give him a visit sometime soon and now that you had some time on your hands you were going to drop in and spend some quality time together.  You just hoped he would show up in the next few hours since he didn't know you were visiting.

Your job in the multiverse was to make sure there wasn't too much destroying or creating at once, meaning you made sure the multiverse was in balance. You had been lucky that Error and Ink understood the concept of that. They didn't give you too much trouble when you had to intervene in their fighting, whether it was letting Error destroy a few AUs or stopping him from doing that.

You had sat down on the floor looking up at the seemingly endless papers floating above you. It always felt like an eternity waiting for Ink to come back from wherever he was. Sighing, you laid down and closed your eyes from the blinding yellow light and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.

Ink's POV:

I had finally finished talking with Dream and Blue and now it was time to head back to the Doodle Sphere! I couldn't wait for (Y/N) to visit me. I wanted to get back 'home' as fast as possible so that I could prepare everything for us for when they came by. Even if it was a day or a few weeks before they come I wanted to make sure we would have fun and if I didn't do it now I might forget.

"Bye guys!" I waved at my friends before taking out Broomie and making a puddle of liquid before jumping into it. 

Regaining my balance, I stretched and opened my eyes to see (Y/N) laying down on the ground with their eyes closed. I gasped 'Oh no! Are they injured? Did I get here too late?' I thought to myself before rushing over to them and dropping down to my knees next to them.

"(Y/N)?" I quietly called out and shook them carefully. They groaned and shifted. I let out a sigh of relief and shook them again. "(Y/N) wake up!"

"Huh? What is it Ink?" They batted my hands away and turned to glare at me while still laying down. "...Oh! Right, hello Ink! How long was I asleep for?" They asked. I felt a slight smile crawl up on my..lips? teeth corners??

"Hi (Y/N), welcome! I don't know how long you were sleeping for! I just got here. What are you doing here, anyway?" I asked them. 

They stared at me for a moment before responding. "I came to hang out. Is this a bad time? I can come back later if that's more convenient for you." They answered.

Second Person's POV:

"Really?! This is a great time! We're gonna have so much fun!" Ink exclaimed happily and stood back up. "What should we do?" He asked you in excitement. He really had been looking forward to spending more time with you. It's been such a long time since you and he had hung out properly.

You stood up with him, thinking about what you two should spend your time on. "Hmm...That's a good question. How about we just talk for a bit until we figure that out? How have you been Ink?" You asked.

You and Ink talked for a few minutes until you heard a portal opening and closing along with harsh whispers. You both look to the direction of the sound to see Dream and Blue. They were speed walking towards you two.

"INK! YOU FORGOT YOUR VIALS" Blue yells and runs up to your friend, Dream right behind him.

"OH! Thank you, Blue!" Ink takes the vials off Blue's hands.

"Who's your friend, Ink? I've never seen them before." Dream questions while looking at you while Ink was throwing the vials over his shoulders.

"This is (Y/N)! They're my friend and I guess you could also call them a co-worker." Ink explains gesturing towards you with his hands. 

You smile and wave at the two of them. "Hello, It's nice to meet you. Ink's told me a lot about you two, haha." You laugh out.

"IT'S WONDERFUL TO MEET YOU (Y/N)! CALL ME SWAP OR BLUE." He holds his hand out for you to shake, which you do. "INK HOW COME YOU'VE NEVER TOLD US ABOUT THEM?" Blue shifts his gaze onto your friend.

"I sorta forgot" Ink smiles sheepishly and scratches the back of his neck.

Dream giggles at his explanations and turns to you "I'm Dream, It's nice to meet you as well (Y/N), I hope we can get along." He also shakes your hand (though less aggressively than Swap). 

Meanwhile, Ink was organizing his vials tuning out of your guys' conversation.

"Ink?" He heard (Y/N) ask. This got him to snap back into reality. Looking up, everyone was staring at him.

"Sorry, what? I wasn't listening." He admits.


"If (Y/N)'s alright with it, then sure!" Ink responds and glances at you.

You agree to the request, and so the four of you start wondering what you should do. A few popular offers we're drawing as a group (bet you can guess who suggested this), going shopping, visiting a park and feeding the ducks in some AU, playing video games, baking, and truth or dare. You decided to start off with the video games since Ink could just paint a console and a TV into existence, which he did.

After all of you decided on a game, you played for what you would guess was hours since there wasn't really a way to tell time in the Doodle Sphere. All of you were having a blast playing together and finding new sides of each other being mad at the game because of their 'unbelievable losing streaks'. Dream had lost about 25 times now in total! He sighed and dropped his controller onto the couch Ink had painted at some point since the floor of the void wasn't all that comfortable. "This is hopelesssss!" He whined leaning onto Ink tiredly. Ink laughed and put his arm around Dream's shoulder, trapping him onto his side.

"There, there Dream." He comforted, then looked at you and Blue. "Let's do something else before Dream bursts into tears." He declared teasingly, earning a 'Hey!' from Dream.

"OF COURSE!" Swap stood up stretching his limbs. "WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" He asked. 

You put your hand on your chin and looked at the ground in thought. "Hmm...I should probably get going, we could hang out again soon though! It's been fun." 

"Already? But you just got here (Y/N)." Ink frowns and loosens his grip on Dream.

"Hey! I promise I'll drop by soon!" You promised him. "And if your friends are here, we can all hang out together again."

They all were pretty disappointed, you were fun to be around and it was a change to be with you as well instead of just the three of them.

"Alright (Y/N). You'd better come by soon again!" Ink threatened.

"YEAH (Y/N)!" Blue agreed and Dream nodded along with a hum.

They all bid their farewells to you as you left, hoping to see you soon again.


A/N - Please tell me if you'd like me to continue this, I had a lot of fun writing it :]

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