Overprotective!Ink x gn!Reader

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Word count: 2183


You were currently laying on the floor of the living room in the house that Ink had painted for you two in the Doodle Sphere. You were bored out of your mind. Ever since you and Ink had met he had always visited you whenever he remembered and had the time. Once he started forgetting to visit you more often he decided to take you to live with him in the Doodle Sphere so that he would never forget and it was more convenient. It wasn't that bad living with Ink, just he was gone a lot of the time so you were alone.

You sighed and rolled over so you were laying on your stomach. It was a shame your cellphone didn't work here, otherwise, you were sure time would've passed by faster. That's when an idea suddenly popped into your head. You weren't sure how you hadn't thought of this earlier, but what if you asked Ink if you could join him in whatever he was doing the next time he would have to go? That way, you wouldn't have to try taking a nap every 5 minutes (with no success) while waiting for him! They let you visit your home universe occasionally, so what would be the difference in tagging along with Ink for his missions? He'd almost always said that everything went smoothly, apart from when some Error guy disturbed his work in patrolling and protecting the universes. But he mostly stayed in his own world, so it wasn't likely he would be coming when you were there right?

During your mental theorizing, you hadn't even noticed Ink opening the front door and coming in until he said: "Are you okay?" You jumped and snapped out of your thoughts, slightly jump scared from suddenly seeing his face uncomfortably close to yours.

"Ahh, don't do that, I'm gonna have a heart attack! I'm alright, How was your mission?" You decided it would be best to wait for a few moments before making your request.

"It went like usual! Just chatting with some creators and walking around." He responded, standing up and walking to sit on the couch.

You sat next to him. "That's great!" You stopped for a moment, thinking about how to word out your next sentences. "I wanted to ask you something." You looked at him.

One of his eyelights turned into a red question mark when he blinked. "What is it?" He asked as he counted out his vials to see how much paint was left in them.

"Could I, maybe, come with you the next time you leave? It gets really boring when you're not around." You hopefully asked.

Ink froze, his eye sockets widening. "...What? Could you repeat that?" He slowly placed the yellow vial back into its place in his stash.

"Can I come with you on your next mission?"

Ink's POV:

Stars, this is just what I was afraid of happening. Images of Error taking her away from me plagued my mind. "No, you can't," I answered dryly.

"What? Why not?" They asked.

"Because It's too dangerous. Error could kidnap you and torture you or- maybe even Nightmare and his gang! And there's no getting you back if that happens." I glared at them, maybe I was over exaggerating a bit, but I didn't want to risk anything happening to them. While, I couldn't actually feel, every time I took my vials and was around them I felt strange. I worried for them when my vials were in effect. I felt so strongly about them and I don't think I could handle constantly being scared something would happen to them if someone took her away from me.

"But that rarely ever happens." They pointed out.

"That doesn't mean it won't happen. You being there would probably make it even more likely for something to happen."

AU! Sanses x Reader Oneshots! (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now