Professor!Swad x fem! Neko!Reader

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Thank you so much for requesting again! Does anyone know where I can like find the original SwapDreamTale comic or story or something like that? I can't find it anywhere haha. I also decided to leave the pregnancy out of this because I wasn't sure how to add it, hope you don't mind ^ ^ I have no idea how colleges work, sorry-

Reader is in college and is of legal age.

Word count:


Swad's POV:

Currently, I'm sitting at a corner booth at a coffee shop near the college I work at. It's about 40 minutes before my first lesson starts so I have plenty of time to kill. I look out the window to see white-tinted grass and leafless trees, it was almost wintertime. A few cars were passing by the road next to the shop every once in a while.

"Sir Swad? Can I sit here?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked away from the window to see my fluffy-eared friend and student, (Y/N), with her preferred beverage in hand.

"Ah, yes, of course." She sat down, shrugging her coat off onto her lap. "Why though? There's plenty of other empty tables." 

"I like this table! And your company." She said and took a sip of her drink.

"Hmm. Isn't there a cafeteria on campus? Why come all the way here?"

"It's usually packed with people and the prices here are cheaper." She answered and smiled. I made a sound of acknowledgment and went back to my coffee. 

We continued the small talk for a few more minutes until we both had to leave for teaching and learning.

3rd person + Time skip to when classes start:

I sighed and leaned my head on my hand, classes were going by extremely slowly today for whatever reason. My next stop was at Mr. Swad's class though, so that's going to make time pass a bit faster.

About 10 minutes pass (though it felt like a lot more) and you gather your stuff and make your way to your next class, Mr. Swad's class. You grab your bag that now has all your material in it and walk out of the door into the hallway, making a few turns to get to the correct class. You just walked right in since Swad didn't mind you being there before classes. "Hello Mr. Swad." You greeted and sat down to your favorite seat. He looked at you and nodded before going back to sorting papers on his teacher's desk. You layed out everything you needed in front of you and then scrolled on your phone until class would start.

During Swad's teaching you couldn't help but zone out more times than you'd like to admit. You see, recently you had developed odd feelings for your favorite professor. You knew it wasn't right, you shouldn't be feeling this way about your professor. You could get expelled and he could lose his job! You sighed and looked down to your hands on your desk. You really couldn't concentrate today when Swad looked so damn handsome. Thankfully, this was the last class.

You hadn't even noticed that class had ended, you only realized once the noise in the class got a bit too suspiciously loud and looked up to see everyone packing their things, ready to go home or to their next class. You quickly also started to gather up, but was distracted by Swad walking over to you.

"Could you stay after class for just a few minutes, (Y/N)?" He asked and crossed his arms.

"Of course." You responded and and slowed down your packing since there wasm't a hurry anymore.

About a minute later, only you two were left in the classroom. Swad took and open seat next to you and leaned to the side so that he could see and talk with you better. "You weren't paying attention. Are you feeling alright?" He asked with a slightly worried look on his face.

"I-I'm fine, I just... Was lost in thought haha." You laughed, though Swad didn't look inpressed. He took your hand in his hands and gently caressed his skeletal thumbs over your skin.

"You can tell me if there's something bothering you, (Y/N). Your not only my student, but my friend as well. I care about your well-being. Now tell me, what is it that's bothering you?" He encouraged.

You averted your gaze from him onto your hand that was stuck in between his palms. "Do you have anymore classes today?" You asked.

"No. Why? Are you trying to change the topic?" He glared at you.

"No, no! I just don't think this is a suitable converstation for... To be spoken in a classroom." You smiled at him.

AU! Sanses x Reader Oneshots! (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now