Chapter 6: Nervous

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Black burst awake in a cold sweat. He couldn't remember anything after being pulled into the darkness except for a big rush of pain in his head. His head was buzzing in pain. In fact, his whole body was sore.

He was in the Polus meeting room, right by the right-side door. He was wrapped up tightly in tentacles and lifted about a foot into the air. Two impostors were beside him, a lime one on the right and a red one on the left. A couple of tentacles reached upwards towards the roof, and the rest were connected to the impostors.
The same one that caused all this trouble, Black thought angrily. On the other side of the table, Cyan stood. The impostor was huge, seeming bigger and more intimidating than before. Even with Black in the air, he had to look up to see her face.

"You have caused us a great deal of inconvenience," the cyan impostor slithered. Black felt his muscles tense up in fear. The impostor walked around the table, keeping her gaze fixed on Black. She stopped directly in front of Black and kneeled down to keep herself at Blacks visor level. "I really thought you were on our side. But no! Thank the stars Red was here to save us."
Her big eyes locked with Blacks. Not in a romantic or happy way, in fact it was in an evil-disappointed way. Black leaned back a little, uncomfortable with the energy created in the room, only to be pushed right back by the tentacles.

"Uncomfortable, eh?" Cyan said, standing back up. They started at each other for a few seconds, before Black broke the gaze by awkwardly looked down at Red. Red shrugged, smirking.
By the stars I hate that guy, Black thought, returning an uncomfortable glance.
They sat in silence for a couple of minutes, all visors pointed at Black. He stared at the tentacles the whole time, waiting for someone to speak. But no one did. Cyan seemed deep in thought. Red just narrowed his visor at him. Lime stood completely still.

Black decided to break the silence. He just wanted the staring to end.
"Where is Blue?" Black asked defiantly.

Cyan shook her head in disappointment. "You hear this man? He cares about a crewmate!" Black heard Red snicker and glared at him.
"They're trying to get the chain off. It came off of you easily, but Blues side isn't so... cooperative. Don't worry, the night after we get him out, we're having him for dinner in a huge fiest! And if you don't cooperate, you'll be part of the main course."

Black felt a shiver roll down his spine as she finished her sentence. Eating crewmates still felt quite normal to him, but eating impostors just seemed... Wrong.

Black started to squirm, attempting to escape. Though, if he did, he knew he'd be knocked out or killed instantly, he figured it was worth the risk. Red stared, wide-visored, at Black.

"Ah ah ah..." Cyan tsked. "You don't want to do that." As she finished her sentence, tentacles flew out of the ground, tips pointed at Blacks head. Lime and Red whipped out their guns and stood with them pointed at Black.

Black hesitated. Looking around and seeing the threat, he stopped squirming, a hopeless look plastered on his face. Red shrugged with a smirk on his face. Cyan glared at him. He quickly went back to his original position, gripping the gun with both hands.

"This one's interesting," Cyan drawled. "Red, stay here. Lime, you're coming with me."

Cyan signaled for Lime to come, and she removed her tentacles. The binding felt just a bit looser and more off-balance. A tentacle popped up from the ground on Blacks right, and as Cyan and Lime exited the room, it wrapped around Black, evening the binding out.

Cyan looked back at Black. "Don't think you're off the hook. We will come back for you soon."

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