Chapter 13: Decennium

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"Dude, I heard that Master is letting Daryl walk freely like that night never happened. Like, why?" says Alex Yoo, talking to some of the kids at his grade level and says in a somewhat discrete manner.

Michael Chu responds, "Dude, I don't know,'s very discomforting to even have him around."

"Yeah, but don't you think it's kinda cool? Daryl has powers, like in the movies," says Paul Yang, slightly less squinted than Alex's eyes and skinny body.

"Paul," Alex exclaims. "This ain't the movies. Daryl is a freak. A monster. He blew everyone in the entire room. Some of us even got injured because of him. I mean, what if he uses his powers again and, this time, he kills us –?"

"Guys, guys! Here he comes!"

I walk by and manage to hear some of what Alex says. I take a good look at them as I keep walking. Then I look around and see everyone else keeping their distance from me. No one is even willing to make eye contact with me because they are all afraid, which I have never seen people do. I softly caress one of my eyes, thinking this might be a good thing. If I can learn how to use this newfound ability, I can make everyone feel terrified when they even catch a glimpse of me. It will also be a handy weapon when I hunt down the people who murdered my family and me – and anyone who gets in my way. But I need to figure out how I can use my abilities and learn them quickly before anyone here might get any ideas. Because if they realize I can't use my powers at will, they'll all gang up on me and attack.

"Daryl Kang...!" Hyun-Seok, walks up to me from behind with a cheery voice. "How're you feeling?!"

Hyun-Seok is one of the leaders here. He's about five foot six tall, moderately built, has a thin mustache, slightly disheveled quaffed hair, and smiles so wide, his entire upper teeth and gums can be shown. The only thing I know about him is he's a Jiu-Jitsu instructor.

It's very random that one of the leaders here suddenly wants to check on me. And why is he not afraid of me like everyone else? I don't want to give too much thought and just leave. I make my way outside of the cave so that I can start learning how to use this newfound ability alone.

Based on what Master told me, it would seem like I have psychic capability. And when he said my eyes were bleeding, I remember the first time that happened back home. After I beat Cody half to death, Miss Buckley shouted at me. I got so angry at that moment; my eyes were suddenly burning.

Walking up the upward trail, at the top of the mountain, there's a rock about the size of a softball lying underneath a bush. I extend my hand out and try to lift it. Try and remember all that made me angry. My anger, intensifying, trying to picture that rock as those people I just named! Imagine crushing it like I'm crushing their skulls! Brandon, Cody, Miss Buckley, the two teachers who didn't help me with Cody, the assholes who dunked my head in the toilet...


I can't! The rock didn't move. I'm not even crying blood either. Just how did I do it last time?

"Daryl Kang...!"

"Oh, my god," are you kidding me? This guy is starting to piss me off. "Leave me alone!" I harshly say angrily, walking away from him. I walk for a while until nearing the top of the mountain. The wind is starting to get strong, muffling my ears, but I can hear well enough that Hyun-Seok is still following me. I turn around and yell at him, "Did you not hear me the first time, asshole?! Leave me alone!"

Hyun-Seok stands where he is and says calmly, "Okay, first off, you watch your mouth. You best apologize right now and say hi to me, or I won't leave you alone."

If this prick wants to be stubborn and refuse to go away, then might as well run away from him. And, of course, he's chasing me! Got to go faster, got to go faster – "Ah!" He wrapped his arms around me tight! "Let me go!" He lifts me high as I'm trying to set free! "I SAID, LET ME GO!" I kick both feet forward, plant them to the ground, bend them forward, and butt the back of my head against him as hard as I can, but that didn't do shit! I do it again, and again until Hyun-Seok takes me to the ground and wraps his legs around me! Now I'm in a tight spot! Trying to break his grip with all my strength, but it's no use!

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