Chapter 6: Jeju

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"Daryl...Lauren..." younger Aunt stands at the doorway, calling us in a sing-song voice, "wake up..."

"Ugh..." god, why do I feel like I was hit by a train ten times over? "Dogh..." I can't even keep my eyes open. My eyelids are so heavy, it's like I can just go back to sleep sec – ...


"Huh?! Ugh...!" Alright, come on, get up. Don't want to fall back to sleep again, or younger Aunt will just wake us up again. Come on, get...up...! "Agh...!" God, even my body feels so heavy too. It's like the gravity of the Earth has changed so drastically, it has become so hard to even just do one push-up. As long as I don't lay back down and keep my eyes open, I'll be awake enough to stand up and walk to the bathroom. But even when I'm able to walk to the bathroom, I can still feel the force of gravity pushing me hard to the ground. Not that it's going to stop me from taking a piss, get undressed, and take a nice hot shower in this super luxurious yet strange looking bathroom.

The reason why I'm saying it's strange because there's this glass door in here. Behind it are the shower and the bathtub, but they aren't two in one like back home. The showerhead, parallel to the door and the bathtub, is pointing directly at the stone tiled floor. So they're basically separate. ...Why on Earth are they separate, though?

You know what? I'm too sleepy to even care. Just want to get through this glass door, turn the shower on, and enjoy the feel of that nice hot water.

And after feeling how refreshing the long and hot shower was, I can feel a little more awake. Now to brush my teeth, dry my hair, and go check up on Lauren. See if she's – oh, yeah, no, she's still not awake. After a long flight and all the fun we had last night, it took so much out of her. That being the case, I should just let her sleep some more in this room. The room that just so happens to be the room Jun-Seok put us both in yesterday. It's a bit ironic. But it's better than any other rooms here, and Lauren and I get to sleep in here with no one else.

Anyways, I should quietly head on out, close the door behind me and get some breakfast. Of course, I have to sit at the dinner table in the kitchen with both Aunts, grandma, and...Jun-Seok.

"Morning, Daryl," Jun-Seok calmly says as I'm sitting down the only available seat next to him, "how was Seoul?"

Don't say anything to him. Just pour some...never-before-seen cereal and the milk into the bowl in front of me. And grab some of those sliced up bananas and kiwis while at it.

"How was your sleep?" elder Aunt asks.

"Still tired," I quietly say with a very drowsy voice.

"Is Lauren still sleeping?" younger Aunt asks.

"I'll go wake her up."

"No, no, no, no," Grandma stops Jun-Seok, "just let her sleep some more. She'll have breakfast later."

Yeah, Jun-Seok, why don't you let her be, huh? I mean, is it wrong to let people sleep some more, especially if they're exhausted?

After I finished eating, I head straight back into the room, see if Lauren is still asleep. And once in the room, she is still dead asleep. I think it's been over half an hour at least since younger Aunt woke us up. Even if it's been that long, I still feel sleepy too. Since we're going to Jeju Island later, we'll be able to use the time to sleep some more. In the meantime, I should get dressed, roll up my floor bedding, and put it back in the closet.

And don't forget the luggage.


For another half-hour of just waiting around for some odd reason, we finally get to ride the limo once again, heading back to the same exact airport we came from.

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